
BJUT has established a variety of restaurants to meet various dietary needs, including the first floor of Olympic Restaurant, the second floor of Olympic Restaurant, North District Restaurant, Tiantian Restaurant, Halal Restaurant, Specialty Restaurant, Food Garden Restaurant, Zhonglan Restaurant and Faculty Restaurant. The basic information is as following:

1. Tiantian Restaurant, 2nd floor of the Student Service Building at North District.

Lunch: 11:00--14:00

Dinner: 16:30--21:30

2. North District Restaurant, 1st floor of the Student Service Building at North District.

Breakfast: 07:00--09:00

Lunch: 11:00--12:50

Dinner: 16:50--18:50

3. Halal Restaurant, in the basement of the Student General Service Building at North District.

Breakfast: 07:00--08:30

Lunch: 11:00--13:00

Dinner: 16:30--19:00

4. The first floor of Olympic Restaurant, which is to the south side of Dormitory No.12 at Southern District.

Breakfast: 07:00--09:00

Lunch: 11:00--12:50

Dinner: 16:50--18:50

5. The second floor of Olympic Restaurant, which is to the south side of Dormitory No.12 at Southern District.

Lunch: 11:00--13:00

Dinner: 16:30--19:00

6. Food Garden Restaurant, 1st floor of the Restaurant Complex Building ,which is to the south of Dormitory No.9 at Southern District.

Dining Time: 6:30--20:30

7. Specialty Restaurant, 2nd floor of the Restaurant Complex Building, which is to the south of Dormitory No.9 at Southern District.

Dining Time: 9:00--22:30

8. Faculty Restaurant, 1st floor of the Restaurant Complex Building to the south side of Dormitory No.9 at Southern District.


Breakfast: 07:00--08:30

Lunch: 11:00--13:00

9. Coffee1727, 1st floor of the Restaurant Complex Building to the south side of Dormitory No.9 at Southern District.

Breakfast: 09:00--11:00

Dinner: 13:00--22:00

10. Zhonglan Restaurant, in the Zhonglan Student Dormitory Complex.

Ordinary Meal:

Breakfast: 07:00--09:00

Lunch: 11:00--12:50

Dinner: 16:50--18:50

Specialty Meal:

Dining Time: 6:30--21:30