
The University Hospital of BJUT is located in the northeast corner of the main campus of Beijing University of Technology.Being promoted to a first-grade class-A hospital in 1997, identified as one of the Beijing basic medical insurance designated hospitals in 2003, awarded the title of the “Beijing Civilized Unit for Public Health” in 2006, the hospital now has more than 50 mid-level and senior medical staff along with various advanced examination and therapy equipments.

The facilities in the hospital include Internal Medicine Department, Surgery Department, Gynecology Department, Ophthalmology Department, Otolaryngology Department, Stomatology Department, Traditional Chinese Medicine Department, Rehabilitation Department, Nursing Center, Preventive Health Department, Pharmacy and Medical Technology Department (B-mode Ultrasound, ECG, Clinical Laboratory, Radiology, and Artery Detection) and 24-hour Emergency Room.

Adhering to the principle of “Strengthening Service Awareness, Improving Service Attitude, Enhancing Service Quality and Creating Service Brand”, the hospital adopts the diagnosis and treatment mode of “All patient-centered”, and abides by the working style of “Harmony, Honesty, Caring and Rigorous”. With high-quality service, exquisite technology and humane treatment, the medical staff in the University Hospital warmly serves and cures every patient to relieve the pain.

Outpatient Time:Monday to Friday (08:00-11.30 a.m. and 13:30-16:40 p.m.). At other time, please visit the Emergency Room.

Tel: 010-67391546.

Nearby Hospitals:

1. Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University

Address: No. 95 Yongan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing;

Tel: 010-63014411;

Transportation: Take Bus No.34 from the north gate of BJUT by get on the bus at Pandaomiao Station, and get off the bus at Friendship Hospital East Station, and then walk for 4 minutes to the west.

2. Chui Yang Liu Hospital affiliated to Tsinghua University

Address: No.2 Chuiyangliu South Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing;

Tel: 010-67700622;

Transportation: Take Bus No.402 from the north gate of BJUT, get on the bus at Pandaomiao Station, get off the bus at Shuangjing Bridge South Station, and then walk for 8 minutes to the west.