Lately,Professor Yan Xinlong from the Department of Environment and Life Sciences of BJUT,Liu Bing-led team of researchers of General Hospital of PLA, Pei Xuetao-led and Yue Wen-led team of researchers from Academy of Military Medical Sciences jointly published innovative findings titled “Single Cell Transcriptomic Architecture and Intercellular Crosstalk of Human Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma” (full text: on Journal of Hepatology(SCI,IF= 20.582, JCR, Tier1 (ca. top) in CAS journal ranking system).The Department of Environmentand Life Science of BJUT is the first author; Professor Yan Xinlong is the corresponding author; Zhang Min (doctoral student of General Hospital of PLA), Yang Hui and Wan Lingfei (master’s students of BJUT of 2017), Wang Zhaohai (associate chief physician of General Hospital of PLA) and Wang Haiyang(doctoral student of Academy of Military Sciences) are co-first authors. The project has been financed by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Beijing Great Wall Scholars Program, and the BJUT High-level Talent Program.

This paper first uses Single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) to analyze the interaction between fibroblast subsets and tumor cells in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma at the single-cell scale and conducts the functional verification and study on the mechanism in vitro and in vivo.These findings provide new ideas and possible targets for further understanding of the heterogeneity of microenvironment of fibroblast and its role in the occurrence and development of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.
Professor Yan Xinlong is a scholar of the Great Wall Scholars Program and outstanding talent in the BJUT High-level Talent Program. He has been engaged in research on the interaction between tumor microenvironment and tumor cells for a long time. His research findings were published in the Journal of Hepatology, Hepatology,CancerResearch and influential journal concerning oncology as the first author/corresponding author, including 1 highly cited paper by ESI and 3 authorized patents.