Research News
· BJUT Fosters Beijing’s Cultural Heritage Protection

---Beijing Municipal Administration of Cultural Heritageand Beijing University of Technology co-build the first key scientific research center for cultural heritage protection

On July 28,Beijing Municipal Administration of Cultural Heritage(BMACH) and Beijing University of Technology (BJUT) held the unveiling ceremony of the key scientific research center for cultural heritage protection and signed the Co-construction Agreement. Chen Mingjie, Director of BMACH, Xiang Dechun, Deputy director of BMACH, Liu Gonghui, President of BJUT, and Guo Fu, Vice president of BJUT, attended the ceremony.

Chen Mingjie, Director of BMACH and Liu Gonghui,President of BJUT, unveiled the key scientific research center

In his speech,President Liu Gonghui acknowledged BJUT’s establishment of the first key scientific research center for cultural heritage protection under the authorization of  BMACH, thus recognizing the university’s academic achievement in this field.Fully backed by the newly-built center,BJUT would strive to produce influential innovative research in materials and key technologies for cultural heritage protection and jointly cultivate more out standing talents with related skills to make greater contributions to the municipal cultural heritage protection.

Xiang Dechun, Deputy director of BMACH and Guo Defu,Vice president of BJUT, signed the co-construction agreement

Vice president Guo Fu announced the list of the Academic Committee and members of the center,declaring Hou Weidong as the director of the Academic Committee of the center, Daijian as the director of the center and Hangeng as the deputy director of the center.

Principal officers, experts and scholars from Scientific Research Office of BMACH, Beijing Institute of Ancient Architecture, Beijing Stone Carving Art Museum, Beijing Cultural Heritage Quality Supervision Office, Beijing Ancient Architecture Museum, Science and Technology Development Institute and Faculty of Architecture, Civil and Transportation Engineering of BJUT were also present at the ceremony.