From April 27 to 29, Rodrigo Durán Rojas, Executive Director of the National Artificial Intelligence Center of Chile, visited BJUT. He was invited to attend the Forum on Promoting University Technology Transfer under 2024 ZGC Forum, where he delivered a keynote speech titled "From Code to Cloud: The Experience of Developing Al Powered Solutions from a Research Center in Latin America".

On April 28, Qiao Junfei, Deputy Secretary of the CPC BJUT Committee, met with Durán. Qiao Junfei warmly welcomed Durán and provided an overview of BJUT's history, features of its disciplines, technological innovations, as well as its efforts in science-education integration and university-industry integration. He emphasized the significance of artificial intelligence as a pivotal discipline for the University's advancement and expressed hope for strengthened communication, friendship, and expanded cooperation between both parties. Durán expressed appreciation for the gracious reception by BJUT and introduced the development strategy, operational model, and key projects of the National Artificial Intelligence Center of Chile.

During the visit, Durán engaged in discussions with representatives of faculty and students at the Faculty of Information Technology. He also delivered an academic presentation titled "AI Revolution: Why Now? Why It's So Important?" covering topics such as the current state and future trends of artificial intelligence, its application scenarios, and the views of social media on artificial intelligence.