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2024 New Year Message from Secretary Jiang Zeting and President Nie Zuoren

Serving the Capital City and the Country with Science and Technology

Embarking on a New Journey to Become a World-class University

With the first rays of 2024's sunshine, Beijing University of Technology (BJUT) embarks on a new journey, forging ahead into the future. At this auspicious moment of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new, we, on behalf of the University's leadership, and over 30,000 faculty members and students, extend our sincere greetings and blessings to the BJUTers, both at home and abroad, as well as to people from all sectors of society who have cared for and supported our University's development!

Looking back, we have worked hard and brought a successful close to 2023, achieving success towards a world-class university with the distinctive characteristics of the capital city, and deeply integrated into Beijing's development in the new era.

In 2023, BJUT has advanced high-quality development and strengthened the development momentum.

We have vigorously promoted application-oriented basic research and the construction of high-level basic research platforms, with a focus on building a high-level talent team and nurturing top-notch innovative talents.

We have been pursuing scientific excellence, evidenced by the publications of our achievements in basic research in the top journal Science and the sub-journals of Science and Nature. We have played an active part in the construction of major world-class scientific facilities, joining hands with the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. We have initiated the construction of the State Key Laboratory of Bridge Engineering Safety and Resilience, contributing to the nation's strategic strength building in science and technology.

With significant breakthroughs achieved in key core technologies, we have overcome major challenges in manned spaceflight, providing solid support for the in-orbit service of the Tiangong Space Station, and other national and capital construction projects.

We have expanded our pool of innovative talents, serving the building of Beijing into a hub of high-caliber talents. The number of national-level talented individuals has exceeded 100. 102 BJUT scholars have been included in the World's Top 2% of Scientists List by Stanford University. Two CAE Members at BJUT were awarded the title of first-batch "Beijing Municipal Outstanding Scientific and Technical Worker".

We have achieved improvement in both the enrollment scores and rankings for undergraduate admissions within Beijing, enrolling the top 5% of students from 23 provinces nationwide. Additionally, doctoral admissions have surged by 160%, and the ratio of graduate to undergraduate admissions has climbed to 1.2:1. We have added10 national first-class undergraduate courses, and received 4 national-level teaching achievement awards. We have again won the "Challenge Cup" for the Chinese College Students' Entrepreneurship Competition, secured the national gold award in the China International College Students' Innovation Competition, and claimed three gold medals at the Chengdu FISU World University Games. The inauguration of the BJUT New Era History Exhibition Hall has boosted the University's social reputation.

In 2023, BJUT has adhered to distinctive development and clarifiedits own path.

We have been committed to creating comparative advantages, aiming at the international forefront, major needs of the country, and the development of high-end industries in the capital city. We have focused on four distinctive areas of "carbon neutrality, urban renewal, artificial intelligence, and high-end think tanks".

Clinical Medicine, Geosciences, and Physics have ascended into the top 1% of ESI globalrankings. We have ranked among top 50 Chinese universities interms of technological innovation capabilities, and have received11 Beijing Science and Technology Awards.

In the "dual carbon" field, we have initiated comprehensive reforms in integrated talent cultivation from undergraduate to doctoral level. We held the Fifth Global Grand Challenges Summit this year, at which the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), the National Academy of Engineering (NAE), and the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) jointly released the "Joint Declaration" under the theme "Engineering for Sustainable Development." Under the themes of "Sustainable Infrastructure," "Carbon Neutrality," and "Digital Economy", the summit brought together hundreds of engineering, scientific, and technological experts and scholars, serving as a top academic exchange platform, a model for global scientific and technological cooperation, and a bridge for global scientific and technological cooperation.

In 2023, BJUT has pooled collective strength and embraced integrated development.

We have contributed to Beijing's development as an International Center for Scientific and Technological Innovation with the full implementation of the "One Core, Two Wings, and Multiple Sites"* Innovative Development Strategy. We have collaborated with various scientific and technological innovation entities to promote the coordinated development system of "1+3+N": rooted in Chaoyang, presence in Tongzhou, Huairou, and Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area, and cooperation with 13 other districts, as well as leading enterprises, top universities, and research institutes. We have been exploring new domains, shaped new strengths, and set new benchmarks in deepening district-university collaboration, university-enterprise partnership, and industry-education integration.

We have taken proactive approaches in external cooperation. We hosted the Promotion Conference on the Transformation of S&T Achievements, realizing over 120 million RMB in technology transfer. We established in partnership with Daxing Beijing's first hydrogen industry-education integration base, and with Huairou the industry-education integration base for material sciences, with Chaoyang the Shan-He-Wan-Gu Innovation Zone, Beijing's first innovation zone co-built by the government and universities, and with Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area the industry-education integration base for high-end equipment. These strategic deployments in "government-industry-university-research-end user" collaboration represent the University's crucial contributions to the building of the Beijing International Science and Technology Innovation Center. We have signed cooperation agreements with leading players in relevant industries to enhance the integration of education, technology and human resources, contributing to the high-quality development of the capital city.

In 2023, every BJUTer has been remarkable, each deserving their own story to be told. The unwavering commitment and steadfast beliefs, shared among us all, have fortified our steps and ensured our successes.

In 2023, BJUT has raced ahead with full dedication, with each individual's sparkle merging into a luminous beacon guiding the path ahead. Here, we extend our deepest gratitude and highest regards to every BJUTer who has striven tirelessly and passionately.

"We will redouble efforts to boost education, advance science and technology, and cultivate talents". The inspiring words of General Secretary Xi Jinping enable us to face the opportunities and challenges in 2024 with confidence, determination and enthusiasm. We will stay true to the motto of "Persistent Striving the Principle; Pursuit of Innovation the Path," and uphold the founding mission of "Serving the country and the capital city with science and technology." We will remain dedicated to high-quality development, striving to open up a new chapter in building a world-class university with high-quality development. We aim to contribute even more to the country and the capital city in the new era!

We extend our heartfelt wishes for a prosperous and flourishing new year to our great country, a bright and promising future to BJUT, and academic progress and professional success to all BJUTers! In high spirits, let's embrace the promising and brand-new year of 2024!

Jiang Zeting, Secretary of CPC BJUT Committee

Nie Zuoren, President of BJUT

January 1, 2024

*One Core: The University (Chaoyang & Tongzhou Campuses)

  Two Wings: Two innovation belts to the north and south of the BJUT. The Huairou Science City in the north and the Daxing International Hydrogen Energy Demonstration Zone & Xiong’An New Area in the south.

  Multiple Sites: Innovation demonstration zones in Changping, Shunyi, Tongzhou, and Fengtai, etc.