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A Delegation from German Research Institutions Visits BJUT

On April 26, Vice President of BJUT Li Jianrong met with a delegation which included six representatives from German research institutions, including Sven Schimpf, Managing Director of the Fraunhofer Group for Innovation Research; XunFei, General Manager of the ZGC Innohub Germany; Liane Windisch, Director of Innovation and International Projects at the Steinbeis School of International Business and Entrepreneurship; and Katharina Klöcker, Project Manager of the Center for Cultural Studies on Science and Technology in China at the Technical University of Berlin.

Li Jianrong provided the delegation with an overview of BJUT's history, disciplinary strengths, and international engagement efforts. He emphasized that the goal of the Forum on Promoting University Technology Transfer under 2024 ZGC Forum is to foster technology exchange and transfer through collaboration among government, enterprises, and universities. Li Jianrong expressed his hope for enhanced practical cooperation between BJUT and the delegation's institutions in areas such as academic exchange, joint research, technological innovation, talent development, and technology transfer.

The delegation presented their institutions' profiles, operations, and cooperation intentions, aiming to deepen mutual understanding and trust with BJUT during their campus visit. They sought to utilize this opportunity to align unique resources and projects, thereby fostering deeper and more substantial collaboration in the future.

At the meeting, BJUT signed a cooperation memorandum with the ZGC Innohub Germany.

On April 29, Liane Windisch, Director of Innovation and International Projects at the Steinbeis School of International Business and Entrepreneurship, delivered a speech titled "Technology Transfer & Talent Management – Best Practice in Germany" at the Forum on Promoting University Technology Transfer under 2024 ZGC Forum. She additionally engaged in interactive discussions with guests and attendees during the event.