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2024 BJUT Commencement Speech by President Nie Zuoren

New Track, New Trophy

— Messages at the Commencement Ceremony of the Class of 2024

Nie Zuoren

President of BJUT and CAE Member

Dear students, faculty members and staff, parents, and friends witnessing this exciting moment,

Today, we gather at BJUT to hold the graduation ceremony of the Class of 2024, joined by 3070 undergraduate students, 2926 Master's students, and 335 doctoral students who have completed their studies and are embarking on new journeys in life. On behalf of all faculty, staff, and alumni, I extend my warmest congratulations to the students! I also offer my sincerest respect and thanks to the teachers who have worked diligently, and the family members and friends who have accompanied you along the way!

These days, I often hear the cheerful voices from you taking graduation photos at the Rixin Square and see you in academic robes along the Chunhua Road—these are the most beautiful scenes of the graduation season. Looking back, you came here to pursue your dreams with boundless enthusiasm at BJUT's 60th anniversary; you moved forward with inspiration of the Winter Olympics motto, "Together for a Shared Future"; and strove to realize the goal of making China a country strong in science and technology. As participants and witnesses of, as well as contributors to, BJUT's high-quality development, every step you take here is part of your own book of life.

In challenges and setbacks, you have grown and matured. Among you, there is a "dormitory of 'straight-A' students" from the Measuring and Control Technology and Instruments major Class of 2024; and there is a BJUT athlete who won three gold medals at the 31st FISU World University Games. Your stories and your growth have made us immensely proud.

Today, as you are about to leave and step into society, I hope that you will achieve even greater success in the new track of your lives. There are many criteria for excellence, and I think the most fundamental is "positive personality", or in popular internet language, "positive energy". I hope you can be someone who has dreams, dares to strive, and takes responsibility.

First, I hope that you all will hold onto your dreams, with confidence and determination.

Dreams are the lighthouse of the soul, illuminating the path forward. For the nation, the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the aspiration of all its children.

For the University, becoming a world-class university is the century-long dream of all members of BJUT. On the road to pursuing dreams, BJUT has always aligned itself with the needs of the nation and the capital city. This reminds me of the 1978 National Science Conference, where BJUT won 22 important scientific and technological achievements. In the 1980s, BJUT developed China's first fully functional single-board microcomputer, the TP801. In recent years, BJUT has continued its integrated development strategy that brings out the University's full potential and distinctive features, taking significant steps toward becoming a high-level research university.

For individuals, dreams bring the strength to move forward. At any time, an individual's dreams are closely tied to the era in which she or he lives. I hope that you have great and lofty dreams, that you take the steering wheel of your life in your own hands, and maintain your confidence and determination in chasing dreams, and let your dreams be a part of BJUT's splendid history.

Second, I hope that you will keep hardworking, with courage and perseverance.

Hardworking is the pathway to dreams. Life has its twists and turns, and what elevates you is never the shoulders of others, but your own insight, willpower, and actions. When you enter BJUT's New Era History Exhibition Hall, I believe that what impresses everyone is not only the exquisite design, but also the vivid stories of go-getters. Among them, there are the tireless efforts and successes of several generations of the BJUTers, and we can see one thing in common, that is, focusing on the frontier of science and the national strategic needs, and making unremitting efforts for them. Students, with your knowledge, strong learning ability and excellent innovative spirit, I hope you will continue to forge ahead and make hardworking the most beautiful color in life.

Third, and the most important, I hope that you will take on your responsibilities, for excellence and greatness.

Responsibility is a commitment to society, to the nation, and to all humanity. The new revolution in science, technology and industry calls for a new generation of young talents. At this year's national sci-tech conference, national science and technology award conference, and the general assemblies of the members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, General Secretary Xi Jinping earnestly emphasized that "the relay baton has been passed on to our generation". On this new journey, you bear the noble mission and responsibility history has bestowed upon you. Your generation lives up to the expectations of this prosperous era, and as long as you persevere on the road ahead, there will be much to anticipate.

Students, the graduation season of 2024 marks a new start for your promising futures. I hope that you can continue serving the country's and the capital city's development with "BJUT wisdom"; displaying "BJUT responsibility" in your pursuit of technological innovation and unleashing "BJUT power" in all walks of life.

Students, the graduation season of 2024 marks a new start for your promising futures. I hope that you can continue serving the country's and the capital city's development with "BJUT wisdom"; displaying "BJUT responsibility" in your pursuit of technological innovation and unleashing "BJUT power" in all walks of life.

May each of you achieve the best possible outcomes in your life journey, contributing to the progress of society, the nation, and humanity. As we part ways, I hope you remember that no matter where you find yourselves in the future, your alma mater will always offer you its sincerest good wishes, its deepest care, and its firmest support. Come back home often!

Lastly, I sincerely wish you a happy graduation and a bright future! Thank you!