The 18th China Youth Science and Technology Award was announced on the morning of November 17, accompanied by an award ceremony. Prof. Han Honggui from BJUT’s College of Computer Science was honored as a recipient. This is the third time since 2011 that a BJUT scholar has received this prestigious award.

Established in 1987, the China Youth Science and Technology Award is a prestigious national honor recognizing exceptional young professionals in science and technology. The award celebrates individuals who have made significant contributions to economic development, social progress, and technological innovation. Presented biennially, each session is limited to no more than 100 recipients, including 10 special awards

Prof. Han Honggui is a Ph.D. advisor and the Dean of the College of Computer Science at BJUT. He also serves as the Director of the Ministry of Education’s Engineering Research Center of Digital Community and the Beijing Key Laboratory of Computational Intelligence and Intelligence Systems. He serves on the editorial boards of prominent journals, including IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, the International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, and Science China: Technological Sciences.