Fang Juan

Name: Fang Juan

Gender: Female

Degrees: Ph.D.

Title: Professor

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Current Professional Societies

1. Member of IEEE;

2. Member of Chinese Computer Federation;

3. Member of the Standing Committee of ChinaBigDataIntelligentComputing Expert Committee.

Research Areas

1. High performance computing;

2. Edge computing;

3. Big data technology.


1. Excellent Talents of Beijing Municipal City;

2. Outstanding Postgraduate Course Award - Advanced Computer Architecture.


1. Juan Fang, Tingwen Yu, Zelin Wei. Improved Ant Colony Algorithm Based on Task Scale in Network on Chip (NoC) Mapping. Electronics, 2020. 9(1) (JCR Q3).

2. Juan Fang, Zeqing Chang, Dong Li. Exploration on Routing Configuration of HNoC with Intelligent On-Chip Resource Management. IEEE Access,2020. 8:12117-12129(JCR Q1).

3. Juan Fang, Mengxuan Wang, Zelin Wei. AMemorySchedulingStrategy forEliminatingMemoryAccessInterference inHeterogeneousSystem. Journal of Supercomputing, 2020. 4(JCR Q2).

4. Juan Fang, Xibei Zhang,Shijian Liu andZeqing Chang. Miss-Aware LLC Buffer Management Strategy Based on Heterogeneous Multi-core, The Journal of Supercomputing, 2019. 75(8): 4519-4528(JCR Q2).

5. Juan Fang, Jiajia Lu, Mengxuan Wang.A Performance Conserving Approach for Reducing Memory Power Consumption in Multi-Core Systems. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, 2019. 28(7): 1950113-1---1950113-16 (JCR Q4).

6. Juan Fang, Huan Zong, Haoyan Zhao, Huyi Cai. Intelligent Mapping Method for Power Consumption and Delay Optimization Based on Heterogeneous NoC Platform. Electronics, 2019. 8(8) ( JCR Q3).

7. Juan Fang, Xiaoting Hao, Qingwen Fan, Kai Li, Hui Zhao. Efficient Data Transfer in a Heterogeneous Multicore-Based CE Systems using Cache Performance Optimization. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine,2019. 8(5): 46-50(JCR Q1).

8. Juan Fang, Sitong Liu, Shijian Liu, Yanjin Cheng, and Lu Yu, HybridNetwork-on-chip: An Application-aware Framework for Big Data, Complexity,2018, online(JCR Q1).

9. Juan Fang, Zhenyu Leng, Zhicheng Yao, Sitong Liu, Xiufeng Sui.Exploring Heterogeneous NoC Design Space in Heterogeneous GPU-CPU Architectures, Journal of Computer Science and Technology,2015. 30(1) ( JCR Q3).

10. Juan Fang, Lu Yu, Sitong Liu, Jiajia Lu, Tan Chen. KL_GA:AnApplicationMappingAlgorithm forMesh-of-tree (MoT)Architecture inNetwork-on-chipDesign, Journal of Supercomputing, 2015. 71(11): 4056-4071 (JCR Q2).

11. FANG Juan, WANG Jing, LI Chengyan, YAO Zhicheng, KE weimao, Partition-Based Cache Replacement to Manage Shared L2 Caches, Chinese Journal of Electronics.2014. 23(3):464-467(JCR Q3).

12. Fang Juan, Yao Zhicheng, Sui Xiufeng, Bao Yungang. Ephedrine QoS:An Antidote to Slow, Congested, Bufferless NoCs,TheScientific World Journal.2014 (2014): 1-11 (JCR Q2).

Personal Statement

Fang Juan, professor and doctoral supervisor, is currently the Deputy Dean of the Beijing Institute of Smart City of Beijing University of Technology. She is also Director of the Institute of Computer Architecture of the Faculty of Information Technology, and the discipline leader of the Internet of Things Engineering. She is mainly engaged in theoretical and applied research work in high performance computing, edge computing, big data processing technology. He was funded by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) in 2005 and 2012 respectively for academic exchanges in the United States, and visited Australia, the Netherlands, Hong Kong and other countries or regions.She has presidedoverone project funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, one Beijing Natural Science Foundation project, and many other projects. She has published more than 100 research papers on international major journals and important international academic conferences. Among them, more than 80 articles were cited by SCI and EI.She also has 20 national invention patents, 34 software copyrights, 11 textbooks, 3 national standards and one patent transformation.