Li Da

Name: Li Da

Gender: Male

Degrees: Ph.D.

Title: Lecturer

E-mail :

þ Master Supervisor

Research Areas

1. Embedded Systems and Applications

2. Embedded Hardware & Software Co-design

3. Internet of Things

4. Edge Intelligent Computing


Second award of Beijing Science and Technology Progress Award


1. Li D, HouYB, Huang ZQ, et al. Auto-design systematic methodology of cluster mpsoc for multiple concurrent applications[J]. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, v 48, n 3, p 253-262, 2013

2. Li D , Hou Y , Huang Z ,et al.Prototype Design and Synthesis of Cluster MPSoC Architecture for Multiple Applications[J].Journal of Computers, 2012, 7(11).2671-2679.

3. Li, Da , Hou, Yibin , Huang, Zhangqin et al. Auto design and synthesis flow of MPSoC systems for multiple use- cases of applications on FPGA device [J].  Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences , 2012 , 4 (5) : 61-69

4. Li D, Li R; Zhang S. A deep learning image recognition framework accelerator based parallel computing[C]. 2018 2nd International Conference on Deep Learning Technologies. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, p 16-20, June 27, 2018

Personal Statement

Li Da received the B.E. degree in Communication Engineering, the M.E. degree and Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Technology from Xi'an Jiaotong University.

He is currently working in the Embedded Computing Institute and the Beijing Internet of Things Software and System Engineering Technology Research Center.