Wang Yousheng

Name: Wang Yousheng

Gender: Male

Degrees: Ph.D.

Title: Associate professor

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Research Areas

  1. Image processing and analysis, particularly medical image segmentation algorithms, vascular elasticity analysis, and 3D reconstruction based on IVUS images;

  2. Pattern recognition, magnetic flux leakage nondestructive testing, internet applications.


  3. Wang Yousheng. Research on Small Strain Mathematics Model of Vessel Wall. Chinese Journal of Electronics. 2014, Vol. 42  Issue (10): 2086-2091;

  4. Wang Yousheng, Wang Yuting. Algorithm for automatic segmentation of lumen intima based on sequential intravascular ultrasound images. Journal of Graphics.2019,Vol. 40 Issue(01):173-180


    Personal Statement

    Wang Yousheng, Master Student Supervisor, is focuses on signal and information processing and engaged in teaching work for more than 20 years. He has undertaken research on signal and system, computer software foundation, advanced language programming, computer network technology and other teaching jobs. He has published more than 60 papers, applied for more than 10 patents, and edited 4 textbooks.