Yan Hairong

Name: Yan Hairong

Gender: Female

Degrees: Doctor

Title: Associate professor

E-mail : yanhairong@bjut.edu.cn

Current Professional Societies

Industrial Internet of Things


Research Areas

Industrial Internet of things system architecture, wireless network self-selection protocol and application, intelligent software and hardware technology.

1) Intelligent sensor sensing acquisition system architecture: use intelligent algorithm, hardware programming technology to realize sensor self-identification, self-acquisition, and cloud storage.

2) Wireless network self-selection protocol and application: establish the objective function, understand their own position, and add the most matching network selection to the protocol through intelligent algorithm.

3) Intelligent software and hardware technology: build the industrial special software and hardware platform architecture, use software automatic generation technology, and use distributed intelligent algorithm, so that the system has elastic and scalable effect.



The research projects include industrial internet of things, elderly care based on wireless sensor network, etc. Won the third prize of weapons science and Technology Award in 2007.



[1] WU C, YAN H, HUO H. A Multi-Channel MAC Protocol Design Based on IEEE 802.15.4 Standard in Industry[G]//2012 10th Ieee International Conference on Industrial Informatics (indin). 2012: 1206–1211.

[2] YAN H, LI J, SUN G, etc. An Optimistic Power Control MAC Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks[G]//2006 Ieee International Conference on Communications, Vols 1-12. 2006: 3615–3620.

[3] YAN H, XU Y, GIDLUND M. Experimental e-Health Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks[M]. WANG C X, OUYANG S. 2009 Wri International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing: Cmc 2009, Vol I, 2009: 563-+.

[4] YAN H, ZHANG Y, PANG Z, etc. Superframe Planning and Access Latency of Slotted MAC for Industrial WSN in IoT Environment[J]. Ieee Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2014, 10(2): 1242–1251.

[5] YAN H, HUO H, XU Y, etc. Wireless Sensor Network Based E-Health System - Implementation and Experimental Results[J]. Ieee Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 2010, 56(4): 2288–2295.

[6] CHI Q, YAN H, ZHANG C, etc. A Reconfigurable Smart Sensor Interface for Industrial WSN in IoT Environment[J]. Ieee Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2014, 10(2): 1417–1425.

Personal Statement

From October 2006 to December 2007, she worked as a postdoctor in Jokoping University, Sweden. And from March to October 2004 she was a visiting scholar in Tsukuba University, Japan.