Research Areas :
Computer Networks, Future Internet Architecture
1. Li Zhang1, Xuan Chen, Yue Wang, Chang-Wen Chen, On the PIT of Named Data MANET, 2015 International Conference on Computer Science and Communication Engineering (CSCE 2015), Suzhou, 2015-6-13.
2. Zhang Li, Zhao Jia-yan, Shi zhen-lian.LF a caching strategy for Named Data MANET.International Conference on Computer Engineering and Networks (CENet 2014),Shanghai,July 19-20.
3. Zhang Li,Feng Shi-long. The Design of Virtual Street Platform Based on 3G Network,2013 International Conference on Computer, Networks and Communication Engineering(ICCNCE 2013),Beijing,2013.05.23:597-600
4. ZHANG Li, SHEN Qi,SHI Zhen-lian, Architecture of the Virtual District Platform in Broadcast Network Foundation Scene, ISEA2011, Chongqing, 2011,Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2011, vol.100,
5. ZHANG Li, SHI Zhen-lian, SHEN Qi, A Service Discovery Architecture based on Anycast in Pervasive Computing Environments, Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2007. COMPSAC 2007 - Vol. 2. 31st Annual International, Volume 2, 24-27 July 2007 Page(s):101 - 108
6. ZHANG Li, Jia Wei-jia, Yan wei, Li Xiao-ming. Anycast Routing Algorithm with Special Composite Distance, Journal of Computer Research and Development. 2005, vol. 42, No.2: 252~258
7. ZHANG Li, Jia Wei-jia, Yan wei, Li Xiao-ming. An Anycast Routing Protocol Aiming to Support QoS for Service Data, Acta Electronica Sinica, 2004, vol.32, No.12: 2046~2050.
8. ZHANG Li, Yan wei, Wang Yue. Absorb protocol–a routing protocol for ancyast”, Mini-Micro Systems, 2005, 3: 377~381.
9. ZHANG Li, Weijia JIA, YAN Wei, LI Xiao-ming, An Efficient Anycast Routing Protocol Based on Multi-Metrics, Proc. International Symp. on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Networks, I-SPAN'04, March 2004 (IEEE Computer Society Press), HongKong.
10. ZHANG Li, YAN Wei, LI Xiao-ming, Anycast -- Another IP Communication Model”, Journal of Computer Research and Development, June, 2003.
11. ZHANG Li, Weijia JIA, YAN Wei. Reverse Anycast QoS Routing Protocol,16th APAN Meetings/Advanced Network Conference, August, 2003, Korea:155~160.
12. ZHANG Li, Wang Yue, Han Zhi-nan, Liu Yong-qiang. Design and Implementation of an Anycast Prototype System under IPv6”, Computer Engineer, 2005, 5: 134~136.
Personal Statement
Zhang Li isAssociate Professor in the School of software, Beijing University of technology. She receivedherPh.D. inComputer Architecture from Peking University,andobtained Master's degree inComputer Architectureand Bachelor's Degree in computer Softwarefrom Harbin Institute of Technology. She is responsible for or participates in a number of research projects related to network architecture and network management. She has published more than thirty papers and two textbooks. Her research interests include future network architecture, named data network, anycast routing and wireless network service discovery etc.