Research Areas:
1. Public Welfare and Charity;
2. Civil Society;
3. NGO;
4. Social Construction;
5. Social Stratification and Mobility
1. Cao Feilian, Chen Jianmin. Christian Social Service Organizations and Civil Society in Contemporary China—taking Amity Foundation and Shanghai YMCA as two examples [J],Open Times, 2010(09):119-135.
2. Cao Feilian. On the Dominant Role of Contemporary Chinese Social Organizations in the Society-Building[J],Journal of East China University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition), 2013,28(02):36-47.
3. Cao Feilian. The Middle Class in China and the West under Society-building Perspective[J], Journal of East China University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition), 2014,29(02):17-23+57.
Personal Statement:
Cao Feilian, associate professor, obtained her Bachelor’s Degree from School of Sociology and Political Science of Shanghai University in 2002 and her Master’s degree from the Development Studies of Cambridge University in 2003. During 2003-2004, she has been working in the Institute of Sociology of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences as a research associate. In 2008, Cao obtained heranotherMaster’s degree from the Faculty of Sociology of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She pursued her postdoctoral studies as a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Sociology (now subordinated to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) of Beijing University of Technology during 2008-2010. After that, shehas beenstaying at BJUT till now.