Zuo Ning

Name: Zuo Ning

Gender: Male

Degrees: Ph.D.

Title: Associate professor

E-mail : zuoning1234@126.com

Current Professional Societies:

1. the member of Tourism Law Research Association of Beijing Law Society

Research Areas:

1.The Law of Criminal Procedure

Personal Statement:

Zuo Ning was born on 24th August 1979 and obtained his doctorate in law from Renmin University of China. In recent years, he has been lecturing on the law of criminal procedure to many students in different provinces in China, such as Shandong, Heilongjiang Province. He was involved in international and domestic academic research and gained a great deal of experience, making him moresophisticatedin his expertise. Heparticipatedin the Harvard University Legal Confirmation Research and Trainingas a researchertwice in 2009 and 2010. He has published two books in 2012 and 2013 and issued more than 20 papers in different journals. He teaches the law of criminal procedure and other courses to undergraduate students and enjoys great popularity in the university. He has a partnership with Beijing's government and CPCat timesand receives good reviews.