Liao Hanwen

Name: Liao Hanwen

Gender: Male

Degrees: Ph.D

Title: Associate professor

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Current Professional Societies

  1. Committee member of the Housing and Community Planning Academic Committee, China Urban Planning Society;

  2. Committee member of the Rural Architecture Committee, China Architecture Society;

  3. Editorial board member of Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering (JAABE).

Research Areas

  1. Urban and rural morphological studies from a sustainable development perspective;

  2. Low energy and environmentally friendly design techniques;

  3. International comparative studies in urbanism.


  1. Beijing “Excellent Responsible Urban Planner”, 2019, awarded by Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources;

  2. Outstanding Teacher of Beijing University of Technology, 2018;

  3. Winner of Innovative Experiment Teaching Award, 2014, awarded by National Steering Committee of Urban and Rural Planning Education in China;

  4. Winner of Centenary Achievement Award, 2005, awarded by the University of Sheffield, UK.


  1. Liao Hanwen. Mapping, Evaluation and Improvement of Open Accessible Green Spaces in Central Urban Districts of Beijing[J],Modern Urban Research,2019(09): 104-111

  2. Liao Hanwen, Zhang Jian, Zhao Zhifeng and Cui Jie. Research on the methods to integrate Urban Growth Boundary into Ecological Redline: the example of Tongzhou, Beijing [J],Beijing Planning Review, 2019,185:88-91

  3. Chen Bing, Liao Hanwen, Jiang Bing and Kang Jian. Redesigning Urban Space and Landscape under the urban renaissance: An inspiration from the redesign of the Sheffield station, England [J],New Architecture, 2018,6:64-68

  4. Hanwen Liao, Developing smart and green rural settlements for the rapid urbanizing China: Experience learnt from England[C], Proceedings of the 8th conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU), 22–24 June 2015, Incheon, Korea.

  5. Liao Hanwen, Dai Jian. Learning from the eco-cities in Europe [J],Beijing Planning Review, 2013,152:29-34

  6. Adrian Pitts and Hanwen Liao. An assessment technique for the evaluation and promotion of sustainable Olympic design and urban development [J],Building Research & Information, 2013, 41(6): 722-734

  7. Hanwen Liao. Olympic Gardens: A Green Legacy of the Games[J], Urban Design, 2010, 116:17-18

  8. Adrian Pitts,Hanwen Liao. Sustainable Olympic Design and Urban Development[M], London: Routledge, 2009

  9. Hanwen Liao and Adrian Pitts. A Brief Historic Review of Olympic Urbanization[J], International Journal of the History of Sport,2006,23(7):1244-1263

Personal statement

Dr. Hanwen Liao, an associate professor and a postgraduate supervisor, is the Head of Architecture Department, Beijing University of Technology, China. He studied architecture and worked as an architect in Beijing for a few years before receiving a Master (2002) and a PhD (2006) at the University of Sheffield in the U.K. Hanwen was a visiting scholar at the International Olympic Committee Olympic Study Center in Lausanne for a sustainable Olympic architecture project (2003) and used to work as a Research Fellow at the University of Greenwich, U.K. (2006-2010). He has established his expertise in sustainable built environment through many years design practice, research and publications at different countries. In recent years, Hanwen has completed a number of high profile research projects commissioned by grant councils and has published substantially in the field of urban studies. Hanwen's current research interest is Urban and rural morphological studies from a sustainable development point of view, and environmentally friendly design techniques in urban regeneration. Hanwen also serves as a field editor for the Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering (a SCI journal supported by the architecture societies of China, Japan and Korea) and as a member of Practice Link Group of Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University of the UK.