Research Areas
1. Quantitative Analysis of Urban and Rural Space;
2. Urban design;
劉澤,趙世晨,王大強,伝統的建造物群保存地区とその周辺地区の空間的関係に関する研究,都市建築学研究 九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院紀要,第26号,pp.1-8,2014.07.
劉澤,趙世晨,Axial Mapを用いた伝統的建造物保存地区の空間位相的接続性の分析に関する研究,日本建築学会計画系論文集,第80卷,第716号,pp.2283-2292,2015.10.
Ze Liu, Shichen Zhao, Characteristics of Road Network Forms in Historic Districts of Japan, Frontiers of Architectural Research, Vol.4,Issue 4,pp.296-307,2015.12.
劉澤,趙世晨,瀬戸内海の島嶼集落における沿道空間の可視領域に関する研究,都市建築学研究 九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院紀要,第29号,pp.9-17,2016.01.
Ze Liu, Shichen Zhao and Hongxin Sui, A Study on The Spatial Form of Traditional Villages: About the Morphology on the macro-level of Villages in Island of the Seto Inland Sea, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia, Gwang-ju, Korea (ISAIA 2012),2012.10.
Personal statement
Ze LIU is deputy director of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning. The research field is urban planning and urban design, which is devoted to the construction of urban spatial model by using data analysis and mathematical statistics methods, in order to support the study of urban form and function and the decision-making judgment of urban and rural planning. Specific research directions include: 1. Quantitative evaluation and optimization methods of public space vitality; 2. Distribution characteristics and optimal allocation of urban facilities; 3. Land structure simulation based on urban-rural coordinated development.