Current Professional Societies
1. Deputy Secretary of Earthquake resistance and disaster prevention chapter of China Engineering & Consulting Association
Research Areas
1. Theory of Urban & Rural Security and Disaster Mitigation
1. Wang Zhitao, Guo Xiaodong, Ma Donghui, Li Bo. Urban Planning on Earthquake Resistance and Hazard Prevention. China Building Industry Press. 2017.12.
2. Wang Zhitao, Ma Donghui, Wang Xiaozhuo. Research on Countermeasures of Earthquake Resistance and Disaster Prevention to Improve City Resilience [J]. Beijing Planning Review, 2018(02):30-33.
3. Wang Zhitao, Ma Yi, Ma Donghui. Research on Seismic Risk Assessment of Buildings Based on Urban Planning[J].Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Information & Management Engineering),2019,41(06):549-554.
4. Wang Xiaozhuo, Wang Zhitao, Ma Donghui. Research and Prospect of Urban Comprehensive Disaster Prevention Planning Development in China[C]. Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium of Risk Analysis and Risk Management in Western China (WRARM 2019). atlantis press, 2019:97-101.
Personal statement
Wang Zhitao has pursued seismic disaster risk assessment and planning on disaster resistance and prevention in Institute of Earthquake Engineering BJUT. In recent years, he is responsible for more than 10 research projects of the National Key Technology Research and Development Program of MOST and thematic project of MOHURD, and more than 20 cities of urban and rural planning on disaster prevention. He is one of the written members of Standard for Urban Planning on Earthquake Resistance and Hazard Prevention, Standard for Urban Planning on Comprehensive Disaster Resistance and Prevention,Code for Design of Disaster Mitigation Emergency Congregate Shelter, which are national standard of China.