Yong Jiawang

Name: Yong Jiawang

Gender: Male

Degrees: Ph.D

Title: ALL

E-mail : yongjw@bjut.edu.cn

Research Areas

1.Autonomous and electric vehicles

2.Automotive chassis-by-wire

3.Cooperative vehicle infrastructure system


1.Beijing Outstanding Graduate Award

2.The Second Prize of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Scholarship Awarded by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology


1.Nenglian Feng, Jiawang Yong*, Ziqi Zhan. A direct multiple shooting method to improve vehicle handling and stability for four hub-wheel-drive electric vehicle during regenerative braking[J]. Pro IMechE Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2020, 234(4):1047-1056.

2.Jiawang Yong, Feng Gao, Nenggen Ding* and Yuping He. Design and validation of an electro-hydraulic brake system using hardware-in-the-loop real-time simulation[J]. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2017, 18(4):603-612.

3.Jiawang Yong, Gao Feng, Nenggen Ding* and Yuping He. An integrated algorithm for vehicle stability improvement with the coordination of direct yaw moment and four-wheel steering control[J]. International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2017, 74(3):231-256.

4.Jiawang Yong, Feng Gao, Nenggen Ding* and Yuping He. Pressure-tracking control of a novel electro-hydraulic braking system considering friction compensation[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2017, 24(8):1909-1921.

5.Hongqiang Guo, Congzhi Liu, Jiawang Yong*, et al. Model predictive iterative learning control for energy management of plug-in hybrid electric vehicle[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 7: 71323 – 71334.

6.Yong Jiawang, Gao Feng, Ding Nenggen, et al. Hardware-in-the-loop simulation for an integrated braking system[C]. SAE World Congress and Exhibition, Detroit, USA, 2015, 2015-01-1582. (EI)

7.Jiawang Yong, Nenggen Ding, Feng Gao and Xianrong Hu. Co-simulation of an integrated braking system based on dual-motor drive by using ADAMS and SIMULINK[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2015, 743(1): 133-137. (EI)

Personal Statement

Yong Jiawang, lecturer and master supervisor, received his Ph.D degree in automotive engineering from the Beihang University, China, in 2017. From October 2015 to October 2016, He was a visiting scholar with the faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Ontario, Canada. Since October 2019, he has joined the Beijing University of Technology at Faculty of Architecture, Civil and Transportation Engineering. His research interests include autonomous and electric vehicles, automotive chassis-by-wire, and cooperative vehicle infrastructure system. He has presided one National Science and Technology Support Program, one National Natural Science Foundation of China project, and other three projects. He has published more than twenty papers on international and domestic journals.