Current Professional Societies
1. Member of Light Scattering Professional Committee of Chinese Society for Physics;
2. Editorial board member of the Journal of Light Scattering.
Research Areas
1. Laser micro-fabrication;
2. The plasmonics-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy.
1.Yan Zhao, Shuanghao Li, Yijian Jiang.Synthesis and properties of Ag/ZnO core/shell nanostructures prepared by excimer laser ablation in liquid. APL Materials, 3(2015)086103.
2.Chao Feng,Yan Zhao, Yijian Jiang.Interesting polarization independent SERS detection performance induced by the rotation symmetry of multiparticle nanostructures Yijian Jiang. Nanotechnology, 27(2016) 045702.
3. Yan Zhao, Jiayu Xu, Chao. Feng, Yinzhou Yan. Ultrathin alumina membranes for the fabrication of blackberry-like gold nanostructure arrays.Journal of Materials Science. 53 (2018) 16122-16131.
4. C. Feng, Y. Zhao, Y. Jiang. Periodic array of regular Ag nanoparticle trimers: a reliable polarization-independent surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy substrate.RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 83273-83279.
5. Yanqi Liu, Yan. Zhao, Lisheng Zhang, Yinzhou Yan, Yijian Jiang. Controllable plasmon-induced catalytic reaction by surface-enhanced and tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy.Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 219 (2019) 539-546.
Personal statement
Zhao Yan,associate professor and doctoral supervisor, is the associated dean of college of innovation & entrepreneurship of BJUT. She has presidedover two projects supported by National Natural Science Foundations of China project and one project supported by Joint fund of Ministry of education for equipment pre-research. She has published 28 SCI papers on international major journals, and the SCI citation times have exceeded 320.