Zhuge Changjing

Name: Zhuge Changjing

Gender: Male

Degrees: Ph.D.

Title: Assistant professor

E-mail : zhuge@bjut.edu.cn

Research Areas

computational systems biology

Research Interests

  1. Systems biology;

  2. Regulatory networks of apoptosis;

  3. Hematopoietic dynamics;

  4. Applied mathematics & Differential equations;

  5. Clinic data analysis, with emphasis on hematology;

  6. Epidemic dynamics. 


  1. Changjing Zhuge, Jinzhi Lei, Michael C. Mackey, Neutrophil dynamics in response to chemotherapy and G-CSF, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2012, 293: 111-120.

  2. Changjing Zhuge, Ying Chang, Yanjun Li, Yingyu Chen, Jinzhi Lei, PDCD5-Regulated Cell Fate Decision after Ultraviolet-Irradiation-Induced DNA Damage, Biophysical Journal, 2011, 101(11): 2582-2591.

  3. Changjing Zhuge, Xiaojuan Sun, Jinzhi Lei, On positive solutions and the Omega limit set for a class of delay differential equations. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 2013, 18(9), 2487-2503.

  4. Changjing Zhuge, Xiaojuan Sun, Yingyu Chen, Jinzhi Lei, PDCD5 functions as a regulator of p53 dynamics in the DNA damage response, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2016, 388, 1~10.

  5. Romain Yvinec, Changjing Zhuge, Jinzhi Lei, Michael C. Mackey, Adiabatic reduction of a model of stochastic gene expression with jump Markov process. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 2014, 68(5) : 1051-1070.

  6. Yuanhong Bi, Zhuoqin Yang, Changjing Zhuge, Jinzhi Lei, Bifurcation analysis and potential landscapes of the p53-Mdm2 module regulated by the co-activator programmed cell death 5, Chaos, 2015, 25(11): 113103

  7. Liulai Wen, Liuyang Han, Haibin Zhou, Changjing Zhuge, Developing charring rate models for Chinese species based on the thermodynamic theory, Wood Science and Technology, 2017, 9, 51(5): 1117-1131.

  8. Changjing Zhuge, Michael C. Mackey, Jinzhi Lei, Origins of oscillation patterns in cyclical thrombocytopenia, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2019, 462, 432-445.

NSFC projects

  1. Project name: Mathematical models for PDCD5-regulated pathways of apoptosis Duration: 01/2017-12/2017. Type: Tianyuan Fund for Mathematics.

  2. Project name: Dynamical mechanisms and therapeutic strategies of dynamic hematological diseases. Duration: 01/2019-12/2021. Type: Young Scientists Fund.