Ding Xiaojun

Name: Ding Xiaojun

Gender: Female

Degrees: Ph.D

Title: Associate professor

E-mail : dxjnew@bjut.edu.cn

Current Professional Societies

1. Member of the Japan Society for Management Information;

2. Member of the Academy of Management Philosophy.


Research Areas

1. technological innovation and corporate culture innovation;

2. management philosophy and organizational culture.



1. DING Xiao Jun, FANG Ya Ting, Study on the Policy of Chinas Chipby Text Mining Tool and Quantitative Evaluation, Soft Science 33-4 (2019) 34-39.

2. DING Xiao Jun, FANG Ya Ting, Research on the Relationship between Environmental Regulation and Green Innovation in China, Price:Theory & Practice 6 (2018) 34-37.


Personal statement 

Ding Xiaojun, associate professor. She graduated in Industrial Engineering and Management from Tokyo Institute of Technology. She has been engaged in teaching for nearly two decades. She has presided and participated in kinds of research programs and projects. She has published more than twenty academic papers on international/domestic journals.