Current Professional Societies
1.Director of China Soft Science Research Association
Research Areas
1. Mergers and acquisitions;
2. Corporate finance.
1. BJUT Excellent Teaching Quality Award, 2011
[1] WANG Wan-qiu, ZHANG Xiao-tian. Who is more likely to benefit from boundary-spanning technology M&A? [J]. Studies in Science of Science,2019,37(05):898-908.
[2] Wang Wan-qiu, Wang Xue-qing. The Influence of Working Experience Heterogeneity and Technical Sensitivity of Board Chairman and General Manager on the Scale of Technological Mergers & Acquisitions [J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy,2019,36(05):130-137.
[3] WANG Wan-qiu, XING Yue. Do financial constraints restrain R&D investment after technology mergers and acquisitions? [J]. Studies in Science of Science,2017,35(06):886-895.
[4] WANG Wan-qiu, MA Hong-jun. The relationship among acquirers' characteristics, R&D investment and innovation performance in technology mergers and acquisitions [J]. Studies in Science of Science,2016,34(08):1203-1210.
[5] Wang Wan-qiu, Nie Yu-wei. Vertical Integration, Marketization Difference and M&A Performance [J]. International Business,2016(03):150-160.
[6] Wang Wan-qiu, Liu Lu-lin. Which Experience Is More Easily Absorbed: An Empirical Study of Experience Learning Outcomes of Mergers and Acquisitions [J]. Management Review,2015,27(10):150-160.
[7] WANG Wan-qiu, WU Wen-ling. Can the Cultural Distance be “Shortened” in Cross-border Mergers & Acquisitions? ——An Examination Based on the Evidence from Chinese Listed Company [J]. Journal of Beijing Technology and Business University(Social Sciences),2015,30(04):93-101.
[8] Wang Wan-qiu. A Research Based SD on Technology-based Mergers and Acquisitions Synergy [J]. Science of Science and Management of S.& T,2011,32(05):11-18.
[9] WANG Wan-qiu, ZHANG Yong-an, LIU Yu. An empirical study on performance of technological mergers and acquisitions [J]. Studies in Science of Science,2009,27(11):1712-1719+1728.
[10] WANG Wan-qiu, ZHANG Yong-an. Research on Factors Influencing Technology-Based Mergers and Acquisitions Synergy [J]. Science of Science and Management of S.& T,2009,30(04):104-109+193.
Personal statement
Wang wanqiu, Ph.D., Professor, Master Student Supervisor isthe Director of China Soft Science Research Association. Her main research direction is mergers & acquisitions, enterprise financial management, etc. Hosted the National Social Science Fund Project and Beijing Social Science Fund project. At present, she focuses on the research of cross-border innovation, intelligent finance and other fields.