Xue Rui

Name: Xue Rui

Gender: Female

Degrees: Ph.D.

Title: Lecturer

E-mail : xuerui@bjut.edu.cn

Current Professional Societies

International Council on Systems Engineering

Research Areas

Systems Engineering, Decision Making, Project Management, International Trade, Computer Science


Yong researcher award


  • Xue, R., Baron, C., Esteban, P.,J.B. Yang &L.Zheng. (2018). Toward an Improved Monitoring of Engineering Projects. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems

  • Xue, R., Baron, C., Esteban, P. (2017).Optimizing product development in industry by alignment of the ISO/IEC 15288 Systems Engineering Standard and the PMBoK Guide.International Journal of Product Development.

  • Xue, R., Baron, C., Esteban, P., & Zhang, Q. (2015). Establishing Profiles for Systems Engineering Standards: A Great Help for Companies to Manage Their Processes. Frontiers of Engineering Management, Vol.1 No.3, pp. 297-303.

  • Baron, C., Esteban, P., Xue, R., Esteve, D., & Malbert, M. (2015). A Method and Tool to Support the Management of Systems Engineering Projects. Technology Innovation Management Review. Vol.5 No.3

  • Xue, R., Baron, C., Esteban, P., & Demmou, H. (2014). Managing systems engineering processes: a multi-standard approach. In Systems Conference (SysCon), 2014 8th Annual IEEE (pp. 103-107). IEEE.

  • Xue, R., Baron, C., & Esteban, P. (2014). Integrating Systems Engineering with Project Management: A Current Challenge. INSIGHT. Vol. 24 No.1. pp. 693-704.

  • Baron, C., Esteban, P., Xue, R., Esteve, D., & Malbert, M. (2014). Specifications of a method and tool to support the management of systems engineering projects. In Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE), 2014 International ICE Conference. IEEE.

  • Zheng, L., Baron, C., Esteban, P., Xue, R., Zhang, Q., & Sotelo, K. I. G. (2016).Pointing out the gap between academic research and supporting software tools in the domain of the performance measurement management of engineering projects. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(12), 1561-1566.

Personal Statement:

  • Dr. Rui XUE is a lecture at the School of Economics and Management of Beijing University of Technology. She was a Post-doc at LAAS-CNRS laboratory (French National Center for Sciences and Research) for a period of half and one year. She received her Ph.D. degree in industrial engineering in 2016 from the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) of the University of Toulouse (France). She received her M.E degree in computer software and theory in the year 2012 from Jilin University. Her research interests are system engineering, project management, system modeling and decision making.