Current Professional Societies
1. Systems Reliability Engineering Chapter of Systems Engineering Society of China, Deputy Council Secretary-General (since 2018).
2. Industrial Engineering Chapter of Chinese Society of Optimization, Overall Planning and Economical Mathematics, Council Member (since 2018).
Research Funds and Projects
1. Joint Dynamic Optimization of Maintenance Planning, Scheduling and Routing for Networked Critical Infrastructures, Funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, PI, 2019-2022.
2. Big Data Driven Methodologies for Achieving High Availability of the High-Speed Railways, Funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, Co-PI, 2018-2022.
3. Operations Management for High-Risk Supply Chain with Uncertain Manufacturing Processes, Funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, Co-PI, 2014-2018.
4. Integrating Protection against Intentional Attacks into Facility Location Problem, Funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, PI, 2014-2016.
Research Areas
1. Reliability analysis and optimization for complex systems;
2. Critical infrastructure resilience;
3. Reinforcement learning.
1 |
Jia, C.andZhang, C.*(2020) Joint optimization of maintenance planning and workforce routing for a geographically distributed networked infrastructure.IISE Transactions, online |
2 |
Cheong, K. F.,Zhang, C.*and Zhang, Y. (2020) Joint dynamic optimization of price and two-dimensional warranty policy.IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, online |
3 |
Li, Y.,Zhang, C.*,Jia, C., Li, X. and Zhu, Y. (2019) Joint optimization of workforcescheduling and routing for restoring a disrupted critical infrastructure.Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 191: 106551 |
4 |
Bao, S.,Zhang, C., Ouyang, M. and Miao, L. (2019) An integrated tri-level model for enhancing the resilience of facilities against intentional attacks.Annals of Operations Research, 283(1-2): 87-117. |
5 |
Zhu, H.andZhang, C.*(2019) Expanding a complex networked system for enhancing its reliability evaluated by a new efficient approach.Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 188: 205-220. |
6 |
Zhu, H.,Zhang, C.and Ouyang, M. (2019) Influence of overloading on the reliability and critical components of networked critical infrastructures.Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 35(2): 711-731. |
7 |
Ouyang, M., Tao, F., Huang, S., Xu, M. andZhang, C.(2018) Vulnerability mitigation of multiple spatially localized attacks on critical infrastructure systems.Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 33(7): 585-601. |
8 |
Zhang, C.*, Ramirez-Marquez, J. E. and Li, Q. (2018) Locating and protecting facilities from intentional attacks using secrecy.Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 169: 51-62. |
9 |
Ouyang, M., Xu, M.,Zhang, C.*and Huang, S. (2017) Mitigating electric power system vulnerability to worst-case spatially localized attacks.Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 165: 144-154. |
10 |
Xiong, G., Zhang, C.*andZhou, F.(2017) A robust reliability redundancy allocation problem under abnormal external failures guided by a new importance measure.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 231(2): 180-199. |
11 |
Zhang, C., Ramirez-Marquez, J. E. and Wang, J. (2015) Critical infrastructure protection using secrecy – A discrete simultaneous game.European Journal of Operational Research, 242(1): 212-221. |
12 |
Zhang, Y. andZhang, C.(2015) Citation networks and the emergence of knowledge core.IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 27(12): 3203-3216. |
13 |
Zhang, C.and Wang, J. (2014) Optimal transmission switching considering probabilistic reliability.IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 29(2): 974-975. |
14 |
Zhang, C.and Ramirez-Marquez, J. E. (2013) Protecting critical infrastructures against intentional attacks: a two-stage game with incomplete information.IIE Transactions, 45(3): 244-258. |
15 |
Zhang, C., Ramirez-Marquez, J. E. and Rocco, C. M. (2011) A holistic method for reliability performance assessment and critical components detection in complex networks.IIE Transactions, 43(9): 661-675. |
Personal statement
Dr. Zhang is currently an associate professor in the School of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Technology. His research effort has been devoted to the development of cost-effective approaches for ensuring the availability and resilience of critical infrastructures. The main focus is oncomplex networked systems with large scales and nontrivial topologies,such as power transmission and distribution, transportation, telecommunications, and so forth.Part of Dr. Zhang’s research effort has also been devoted to the optimization of two-dimensional warranty policy, to save maintenance cost and improve the profitability of a manufacturer. Multi-disciplinary knowledge, including techniques in operations research, reinforcement learning, network science, reliability engineering and game theory, has been integrated in his research. Dr. Zhang has published 15 papers in prestigious refereed journals, includingIISE Transactions,European Journal of Operational Research, Reliability Engineering & System Safety. His research achievements have also been frequently presented in international conferences, such as INFORMS and MMR.