Yang Feifei

Name: Yang Feifei

Gender: Female

Degrees: Ph.D.

Title: Lecturer

E-mail : yangfeifei@bjut.edu.cn

Research Areas

Modelling and design of service system, healthcare operations management, Markov decision process, queueing networks.

Research Projects

2023.01~2025.12  Research on policy optimization of bed resource allocation and patient admission in response to the epidemic evolution, supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant No. 72202010.

2022.04~2023.12  Research on the optimization of patient admission policy considering buffer wards during epidemic outbreaks, supported by the National Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China under grant No. 2022M710275.

Publications(*corresponding author)

1. Feifei Yang, Yanping Jiang, Zhenpeng Tang. Optimal admission control under premature discharge decisions for operational effectiveness. International Transactions in Operational Research. 2023, 30(1): 99-125.

2. Yanping Jiang, Feifei Yang*, Zhenpeng Tang, Quan-Lin Li. Admission control of hospitalization with patient gender by using Markov decision process. International Transactions in Operational Research, 2023, 30(1): 70-98.

3. Feifei Yang, Yanping Jiang, Zhenpeng Tang. Appointment capacity allocation model of medical examination considering adding the temporary service capacity. Journal of Northeastern University (Natural Science), 2022, 43(2): 283-288. (in Chinese)

4. Feifei Yang, Yanping Jiang. Capacity allocation policy of medical examination under patient no-shows and queue-jumping. Journal of Systems Engineering, 2019, 34(3): 422-432. (in Chinese)

5. Feifei Yang, Yanping Jiang, Quan-Lin Li. Mean-field macro computation in large-scale cloud service systems with resource management and job scheduling. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 2019, 28(2): 238-261.

6. Yanping Jiang, Feifei Yang*, Can Sun. Dynamic admission decision model considering patient balking behavior. Operations Research and Management Science, 2022, 31(9): 49-55. (in Chinese)

7. Quan-Lin Li, Feifei Yang*, Na Li. Reward processes and performance simulation in supermarket models with different servers. International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 2016, 11(3/4): 192-206.

8. Quan-Lin Li, Feifei Yang. Mean-field analysis for heterogeneous work stealing models. In: Information Technologies and Mathematical Modelling: Queueing Theory and Applications, Chapter 3, Springer, 2015: 28-40.

9. Zhenpeng Tang, Yanping Jiang, Feifei Yang. Online stochastic weighted matching for real-time shared parking. International Transactions in Operational Research, 2022: 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1111/itor.13184

10. Zhenpeng Tang, Yanping Jiang, Feifei Yang. An efficient Lagrangian relaxation algorithm for the shared parking problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2022: 1-29. Accept

11. Quan-LinLi, Yuanyuan Ding, Feifei Yang. Reward processes and performance optimization in asymmetric supermarket models. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 2015, 31(4): 411-431.

12. Feifei Yang, Quan-Lin Li, Chi Zhang, Chengliang Wang. Optimal admission and queueing control with reneging behavior under premature discharge decisions. Submitted to International Transactions in Operational Research. 2022.

13. Chengliang Wang, Feifei Yang*, Quan-Lin Li. Optimal decision of dynamic bed allocation and patient admission with buffer wards during an epidemic. Submitted to Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2022.

Personal Statement

Feifei Yang is an assistant professor and master supervisor in the College of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China. She received her Ph.D. degree in Management Science and Engineering from the Northeastern University, Shenyang, China. Her research interests lie in modelling and design of service system, healthcare operations management, Markov decision process, queueing networks and so forth. Her research works have been published in International Transactions in Operational Research, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Journal of Systems Engineering, and other peer-reviewed journals. She is principal investigator of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the National Postdoctoral Foundation of China.