Current Professional Societies
Youth Editorial Board of Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering (NPE)
Special Issue Editor of Micromachines
Member of International Academy of Engineering and Technology (AET)
Member of the International Society for Nanomanufacturing (ISNM)
Member of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (CMEC)
Member of Beijing Overseas Talents Association (BOTA)
Reviewers of International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacturing, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Materials and Design, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Surface Coatings and Technology, and Micromachines
Research Areas
1. Micro/nano Manufacturing:
- UV-LIGA Process
- Electrochemical Microfabrication (Micro-Electroforming, Electropolishing, Anodization, 3D Electrochemical Printing)
- Nanoimprinting
2. Atomic and Close Atomic Scale Manufacturing (ACSM)
3. Applications:
- Micro/nanofluidic chips (Gene Sequences, Virus detection, and. Nanomedicine Synthesis)
- Optics (VR/AR)
- Functional surfaces (Structure Colors, Antibacterial and Anicing)
Invited as Keynote Speaker in Global Experts Meet on Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics (GEMMEM-2022)
Best Paper Reward in 2021 World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing (WCMNM)
Full Scholarship for Ph.D. supported by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
1. Honggang Zhang, Nan Zhang**, and Fengzhou Fang*. " Investigation of mass transfer inside the micro structures and its effect on replication accuracy in precision micro electroforming. "International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacture 165 (2021): 103717.
2. Honggang Zhang, Tianyu Guan, Nan Zhang**, and Fengzhou Fang*. "Fabrication of permanent self-lubricating 2D materials reinforced nickel moulds using electroforming. "International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacture 170 (2021): 103802.
3. Honggang Zhang, Nan Zhang**, and Fengzhou Fang*. "Study on controllable thickness and flatness of wafer-scale nickel shim in precision electroforming process: simulation and validation. "Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering (ASME) 143 (2021):11.
4. Honggang Zhang, Nan Zhang**, and Fengzhou Fang*. " Study of ion transportation and electrodeposition under hybrid agitation for electroforming of variable aspect ratios micro strcutres. "Precision Engineering 72 (2021): 122-143.
5. Honggang Zhang, Nan Zhang**, and Fengzhou Fang*. "Fabrication of high-performance nickel / graphene oxide composite coatings using ultrasonic-assisted electrodeposition. "Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 62 (2020): 104858.
6. Honggang Zhang, Nan Zhang**, and Fengzhou Fang*. "Synergistic effect of surfactant and saccharin on dispersion and crystal refinement for electrodeposition of nanocrystalline nickel / graphene oxide composite. "Surface and Coatings Technology 402 (2020): 126292.
7. Honggang Zhang, Nan Zhang**, and Fengzhou Fang*. "Electrodeposition of nickel / graphene oxide particle composite coatings: effect of surfactants on graphene oxide dispersion and coating performance. "Journal of the Electrochemical Society 167.16 (2020): 162501.
8. Honggang Zhang, Nan Zhang**, Michael Gilchrist, and Fengzhou Fang*. "Advances in precision micro / nano-electroforming: a state-of-the-art review. "Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 30.10 (2020): 103002.
9. Honggang Zhang, Haibin Liu**, and Nan Zhang*. "A Review of Microinjection Moulding of Polymeric Micro Devices." Micromachines 13.9 (2022): 1530.
10. Honggang Zhang, Haoyang Zhang, Tianyu Guan, Xiangyu Wang, Nan Zhang*. "Prototyping and production of polymeric microfluidic chip." Advances in Micro-and Nanofluidics. IntechOpen (2021): 1-21.
11. Honggang Zhang, Nan Zhang*. "Micro Moulding for Polymeric Miniatured Medical Devices." Encyclopedia of Polymers: Polymeric Materials and Polymer Technology (EPPMPT) (2021).
12. Honggang Zhang, Nan Zhang**, Fengzhou Fang*. "Micro electroforming of variable aspect ratio micro structures: simulation and validation." ASME Journal of Micro and Nano Manufacturing (2021).
13. Honggang Zhang, Nan Zhang**, Fengzhou Fang*. "Evaluation of the effect of diffusion layer thickness on electroformed micro structure precision using star patterns." Journal of Nanomanufacturing and Metrology (2021).
14. Jian Hou, Honggang Zhang (join first author), Nan Zhang**, and Fengzhou Fang*." Characterization of manufacturability of microstructures for micro-injection moulding of micro devices using star patterns." Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 30.2 (2019): 025001.
15. Tianyu Guan, Honggang Zhang, Fengzhou Fang, and Nan Zhang*. "Synthesis of two-dimensional WS2/nickel nanocomposites via electroforming for high-performance micro/nano mould tools." Surface and Coatings Technology 437 (2022): 128351.
16. Haoyang Zhang, Nan Zhang, Wei Han, Honggang Zhang, Michael D Gilchrist, and Fengzhou Fang*. " Characterization of process and machine dynamics on the precision replication of microlens arrays using microinjection moulding." Advances in Manufacturing (2021): 1-23.
17. Nan Zhang*, Jinghang Liu, Honggang Zhang, Nigel J. Kent, Dermot Diamond, and Michael D Gilchrist. " 3D printing of metallic microstructured mould using selective laser melting for injection moulding of plastic microfluidic devices." Micromachines 10.9 (2019): 595.
18. Nan Zhang*, Tianyu Guan, Honggang Zhang. "Polymer microfabrication." Encyclopedia of Materials: Plastics and Polymers (2021): 1-17.
19. Nan Zhang, Honggang Zhang, Fengzhou Fang. "Improved electrodeposition." PCT/European Patent, Patent number: PCT/ EP2021/ 063881.
Personal Statement
Dr. Honggang Zhang is a professor and doctoral supervisor of Faculty of Materials and Manufacturing at Beijing University of Technology, joined through high-level talent program in 2022. He pursed his doctoral degree with full scholarship supported by Science Foundation Ireland at University College Dublin in Ireland, supervised by Prof. Fengzhou Fang during 2017 to 2021. He has engaged in teaching and research work in the areas of micro/nano manufacturing, atomic and close atomic scale manufacturing, including the process and equipment development of electrochemical microfabrication, nanolithography and the applications in microfluidic chips, optics and functional surfaces. He has published more than 10 high-impact journal papers indexed by SCI, some excellent conference proceedings, 1 PCT/ European Patent and 3 English book chapters.