Mu Xianzhong

Name: Mu Xianzhong

Gender: Male

Degrees: Ph.D.

Title: Professor

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Current Professional Societies

1. Standing Board Member of Chinese Society of Regional Economics;

2. Board Member of Chinese Society of Technology Economics

Research Areas

1. Resource technology economic analysis;

2. Circular economic analysis


1. Outstanding Achievements Award of Scientific Research in Higher Education Institutions (Social Science - Economics);

2. Science and Technology Award of Beijing Municipality;

3. Excellent Achievements of National Petroleum and Petrochemical Enterprise Management


1. Mu Xianzhong, Wu Yufeng, Yao Xin, et al.. Management Theory And Mechanism Design On Circular Links Between Industrial & Residental Systems. Beijing: Economy & Management Publishing House. 2020. (in Chinese)

2. Mu Xianzhong, Kong Li, Sun Zheren. The Coursebook Of Postgraduate Training And Academic Guidance. Beijing: Economy & Management Publishing House. 2019. (in Chinese)

3. Mu Xianzhong, Hu Guangwen. System Analysis And Risk Measurement On Foreign Petroleum Investment Environment of China: Theories, Models And Applications. Beijing: Science Press. 2017. (in Chinese)

4. Mu Xianzhong. China Low-carbon Economy And Industrialization Development. Beijing: Petroleum Industry Press. 2011. (in Chinese)

5. Mu Xianzhong. Research on Global Development of China oil & Gas Industry. Beijing: Economy & Management Publishing House. 2010. (in Chinese)

6. Mu Xianzhong, et al.. Development and Industrialization Of New And Renewable Energy. Beijing: Petroleum Industry Press. 2009. (in Chinese)

7. Mu Xianzhong, ZHU Xueting. Research Progress On Ecological Network Analysis Of Urban Energy Metabolism. ACTA ECOLOGICA SINICA. 2019, 39(12): 4223-4232. (in Chinese)

8. Xueting Zhu, Xianzhong Mu, Guangwen Hu. Ecological Network Analysis Of Urban Energy Metabolic System—A case study of Beijing. Ecological Modelling, 2019, 404:36- 45.

9. Guangwen Hu, Xianzhong Mu, Ming Xu, Shelie A. Miller. Potentials of GHG Emission Reductions From Cold Chain Systems: Case studies of China and the United States. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 239, 118053.

10. Hu G, Mu X. Analysis of Urban Energy Metabolic System: An Ecological Network Framework And A Case Study for Beijing. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 210: 958- 969.

11. Hu G, Mu X. Dominants in Evolution Of Urban Energy Metabolism: A Case Study of Beijing. Ecological modelling, 2018, 385: 26-34.

12. Mu Xianzhong, Xu Peng, Hu Guangwen, Yu Shushi. Study on The Ecological Transformation Of The Industrial Structure in China’s Mega Cities Based On The Dissipative Theory. Science & Technology Progress and Policy. 2017, 34(14): 45-51.(in Chinese)

Personal Statement

Dr. MU Xianzhong, is a professor and Ph.D. supervisor in College of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, and is also the Director of BJUT Energy Economics Research Team. Prof. Mu’s research interests include Technology Economic Analysis associated with resource, environment and circular industries, and is awarded many prizes for his outstanding scientific research achievements in higher education institutions by Chinese Ministry of Education. Prof. Mu has presided two projects from National Natural Science Foundation of China and has published over sixty SCI/SSCI papers and seven academic books.