Current Professional Societies
1. Member of the Professional Committee for solid hazardous waste and soil pollution control of China Environmental Protection Federation;
2. Member of the Expert Committee of China Renewable Resources Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance;
3. Member of Expert Committee of Renewable Metals Branch of China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association
Research Areas
1.WEEE Recycling Technology;
2. Solid waste treatment and resource utilization Technology;
3. Collaborative disposal of hazardous solid wastes Technology
1. Second prize of National Technological Invention(2/6)
2. First prize of Beijing Science and Technology Development Award (2/6)
3. First prize of China Nonferrous Metal Industry Science And Technology Invention Award (2/6)
4. First prize of Science And Technology Progress Award of China Nonferrous Metals Industry (4/9)
5. China Patent Excellence Award (3/5)
1.Gongqi Liu, Yufeng Wu, Bin Li,De’an Pan*, Feihua Yang, Junqing Pan, Yishu Wang, Na Cheng, A New Facile Process To Remove Br From Waste Printed Circuit Boards Smelting Ash: Thermodynamic Analysis And Process Parameter Optimization. Journal of Cleaner Production, 254 (2020) 120176.
2.De’an Pan, Lili Li, Xi Tian, Yufeng Wu*, Na Cheng, Hailiang Yu. A Review On Lead Slag Generation, Characteristics, And Utilization. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 146 (2019) 140–155.
3.De'an Pan, Shuhuai Jia, Lijie Qiao, Tingting Liu, Yufeng Wu*, Alex A. Volinsky. Synthesis of Lead Sulfide By Heavy Metal Gypsum Matched With Lead Paste. Journal of Cleaner Production. 182 (2018) 280-290.
4.De'an Pan, Lili Li, Yufeng Wu*, Tingting Liu, Hailiang Yu. Characteristics and Properties Of Glass-Ceramics Using Lead Fuming Slag. Journal of Cleaner Production 175 (2018) 251-256.
5.Pan Dean,Wu Yufeng. A Method of Recovering Bromide from Bromine-containing Smelting Ash. U.S. Patent Application No.16485141
6.Pan Dean,Wu Yufeng. A Method of Separating and Recovering Bromine from Printed Circuit Board Incineration Ash by Two-step Process. U.S. Patent Application No.16627721
7.Pan Dean, Wu Yufeng, Li Bin. A Method of Concentrating Precious Metals from Printed Circuit Board Incineration Ash by using Bath Smelting- Chlorination Circulation Process. U.S. Patent Application No.16342531
8.Pan Dean, Wu Yufeng, Zuo Tieyong, A Green Resource-based Technology of Thermal Mass in Waste Integrated Circuit Board, U.S. Patent Application No.16333591
9.Pan Dean, Wu Yufeng, Li Liquan, A Method of Comprehensive Recovery of Lead Slag Containing Silver, U.S. Patent Application No.16073805
10. Pan Dean, Zhang Shengen, Li Lingjie, Guo Bin, Liu Bo, A Reduction And Harmless Method For Recycling Heavy Metal Waste Gypsum, U.S. Patent No. 9499440 B2
Personal Statement
De’an Pan, Research Fellow, Director of the Circular Economy Technology and Policy Simulation Laboratory, mainly engaged in the field ofWEEE recycling and its applications, the comprehensive utilization of non-ferrous metal waste residue and its pollution prevention and control research. More than 90 academic papers, containing nearly 70 SCI articles, have been published in Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Hazards Materials and other international journals with a total impact factor of more than 200. More than 50 patent applications were filed as the first inventor (6 U.S. patents applied including 2 of which have been authorized, 7 PCT patents applied, and 35 patents of invention in China has been granted). Chairing/ participating in more than 20 scientific research projects, such as national key research and development projects, scientific and technological support, national natural fund, etc. A second prize of national invention, four provincial and ministerial awards, and 2 China Patent Award have been awarded. Selected in the Beijing Science and Technology Nova Talent Development Program (2014) and Beijing University of Technology high-level talent introduction support program (2016).