Wang Yali

Name: Wang Yali

Gender: Female

Degrees: Ph. D.

Title: Professor

E-mail : wangyali1978@bjut. edu. cn

þ Doctoral supervisor

þ Master Supervisor

Current Professional Societies

1. Member of Standards Committee of China materials and test group

2. Member of international cement magazine Translation Committee

Research Areas

Cement hydration and cement based materials

Recycling of tailings, metallurgical waste and building materials


The second award of National Science and Technology Progress Award, 2012

The first award of Beijing Science and Technology Progress Award, 2019


1. Wang Yali; Han Xiaoning; Cui Suping; Hu Xibo; Ma Xiaoyu; Hao Liwei ; Study on the mechanism of iron-rich coal gasification slag on NO conversion in high temperature flue gas of cement kiln, Fuel, 2023, 322.

2. Wang, Yali; Zong, Xiaotong; Song, Yihui; Cui, Suping ; The influence of organic components in sludge on selective non-catalytic reduction denitrification, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. , 2023, 30.

3. Wang Yali, Meng Wanyou, Hu Xibo, Yao Yuhan. Reduction and reconstruction of vanadium-containing steel slag at high temperature, J. Environ. Chem. Eng. ,2023,11: 111320

4. Yao Yuhan, Wang Yali, Xin Penghao, Wang Hui[, Ma Jikun. Effects of the heterogeneous hydration of alkaline-earth aluminosilicate glasses on phase evolution in hardened blended cement paste, Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 411: 134020.

5. Nan Li, Yali Wang, Suping Cui, Dawei Sun. Investigations on NO reduction with biomass char: Char structural changes during the heat treatment in N2 and subsequent NO/O2 gasification. Fuel,2021,287:119564.

Personal Statement

Wang Yali, professor, doctoral supervisor, is a faculty member of the College of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of technology. She has been engaged in teaching for 21 years. She has presided one National Natural Science Foundation of China projects. She has published more than forty SCI papers on international major journals, seven academic books and more than thirty national invention patents.