Wang Ruzhi

Name: Wang Ruzhi

Gender: Male

Degrees: Ph.D.

Title: Professor

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þ Doctoral supervisor

þ Master Supervisor

Current Professional Societies

1. Member of Computational Materials Committee of the Chinese Society for Materials Research

2. Editorial board member of Nonferrous Metals

Research Areas

1. Design, preparation, and device application of new energy materials;

2. Design, preparation, and device application of new semiconductor optoelectronic functional materials;

3. Design, preparation, and device application of artificial intelligence new materials.


1. Capital Frontier Academic Achievements (2023)

2. Beijing Teaching Achievement Special Award (2022) and National Teaching Achievement Second Prize (2023).

3. Beijing Nova Talents, 2008;

4. Beijing Youth top Talents, 2012;

5. BJUT Jing-Hua Talents, 2013


1. Electrical-gate-controlled giant tunneling magnetoresistance and its quasi-periodic oscillation in an interlaced magnetic-electric silicene superlattice, Nanoscale 15, 1860 (2023).

2. Broadband spectrally selective infrared radiation and its applications of a superstructure film of combined circular patches, J. Appl. Phys. 133, 243102 (2023).

3. Reducing radar cross section of flat metallic targets using checkerboard metasurface: Design, analysis, and realization, J. Appl. Phys. 134, 044902 (2023).

4. Optimizing the binding of the *OOH intermediate via axially coordinated Co-N5 motif for efficient electrocatalytic H2O2 production, Appl. Catal. B-Environ. 338, 123078 (2023).

5. Cobalt nanoparticles embedded in nitrogen-doped porous carbon derived the electrodeposited ZnCo-ZIF for high-performance ORR electrocatalysts, J. Electro. Chem. 928, 117041 (2023).

6. Electron structure effects of S-doped In2O3 flowers on NO2 sensitivity, Mater. Res. Bull. 165, 112293 (2023).

7. A low-cost digital coding metasurface applying modified 'crusades-like' cell topologies for broadband RCS reduction, J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys. 55, 485001 (2022).

8. Iridium single-atom catalyst coupled with lattice oxygen activated CoNiO2 for accelerating the oxygen evolution reaction, J. Mater. Chem. A 10, 25692 (2022).

9. Atomic-scale polar vortices in Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 grains, Ceram. Int. 48, 11830 (2022).

10. A universal high-efficiency cooling structure for high-power integrated circuits, Appl. Therm. Eng. 215, 118849 (2022).

11. Interface enhancement effect of hierarchical In2S3/In2O3 nanoflower heterostructures on NO2 gas sensitivity, Appl. Surf. Sci. 584, 152669 (2022).

12. Atomic-scale polar vortices in Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 grains, Ceram. Int. 48, 11830 (2022).

13. Substitutional doping effect of C3N anode material: A first principles calculations study, Appl. Surf. Sci. 571, 151330 (2022).

14. First-Principles Investigation into Hybrid Improper Ferroelectricity in Ruddlesden-Popper Perovskite Chalcogenides Sr3B2X7 (B = Ti, Zr, Hf; X = S, Se), J. Phys. Chem. C 125, 13971 (2021).

15. Zinc oxide nanonets with hierarchical crystalline nodes: High-performance ethanol sensors enhanced by grain boundaries, J. Alloy. Compd. 877, 160277 (2021).

16. GaOx@GaN Nanowire Arrays on Flexible Graphite Paper with Tunable Persistent Photoconductivity, ACS Appl. Mater. & Inter. 13, 41916 (2021).

17. Local spring effect in titanium-based layered oxides, Energy Environ. Sci. 13, 4371 (2020).

18. Surface state effect on gas sensitivity in nano-hierarchical tin oxide, Ceram. Int. 46, 26871 (2020).

19. B.-R. Wang, R.-Z. Wang, L.-Y. Liu et al., WO3 Nanosheet/W18O49 Nanowire Composites for NO2 Sensing, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 3, 5473 (2020).

20. Structural Modulation of GaN Nanowires Grown in High-Density Plasma Environment, J. Phys. Chem. C 124, 6725 (2020).

21. Wrinkled-Surface-Induced Memristive Behavior of MoS(2)Wrapped GaN Nanowires, Adv. Electro. Mater., 2000571 (2020).

22. Photoluminescence Properties of GaN Nanowires Grown in a Gradient-Plasma Environment, J. Phys. Chem. C 124, 16002 (2020).

23. Metallic two-dimensional C3N allotropes with electron and ion channels for high-performance Li-ion battery anode materials, Appl. Surf. Sci. 518, 146254 (2020).

24. Coupling enhanced growth by nitrogen and hydrogen plasma of carbon nanotubes, Crystengcomm 21, 4653 (2019).

25. Enhancement mechanism of H2 sensing in metal-functionalized GaN nanowires, Appl. Surf. Sci. 486, 212 (2019).

26. C3N/phosphorene heterostructure: a promising anode material in lithium-ion batteries, J. Mater. Chem. A 7, 2106 (2019).

27. Trap effects on vacancy defect of C3N as anode material in Li-ion battery, Appl. Surf. Sci. 475, 102 (2019).

28. Direct Growth of GaN Nanowires by Ga and N2 without Catalysis, Crystal Growth & Design 19, 2687 (2019).

29. Oxygen vacancy effect on photoluminescence of KNb3O8 nanosheets, Appl. Surf. Sci. 439, 983 (2018).

30. Assembled graphene nanotubes decorated by hierarchical MoS 2 structures: Enhanced lithium storage and in situ TEM lithiation study, Energy Storage Materials 9, 188 (2017).

31. Modulation Effects of Hydrogen on Structure and Photoluminescence of GaN Nanowires Prepared by Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition, J. Phys. Chem. C 121, 24804 (2017).

32. Generalized Mechanism of Field Emission from Nanostructured Semiconductor Film Cathodes. Sci Rep 7, 43625, 43625 (2017).

33. Ultra-Low Threshold Field Emission from Amorphous Bn Nanofilms. J. Alloy. Compd. J. Alloy. Compd. 705, 734 (2017).

34. Elastic Properties, Defect Thermodynamics, Electrochemical Window, Phase Stability, and Li+ Mobility of Li3PS4: Insights from First-Principles Calculations. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 8, 25229 (2016).

35. Engineering of hydrogenated two-dimensional h-BN/C superlattices as electrostatic substrates. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 974 (2016).

36. An atomistic mechanism study of GaN step-flow growth in vicinal m-plane orientations. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 29239 (2016).

37. A low cost, green method to synthesize GaN nanowires. Sci Rep 5, 17692 (2015).

38. Bipolar doping of double-layer graphene vertical heterostructures with hydrogenated boron nitride. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17, 11692 (2015).

39. Self-templating noncatalyzed synthesis of monolithic boron nitride nanowires. RSC Adv. 5, 75810 (2015).

40. Two dimensional Dirac carbon allotropes from graphene, Nanoscale 6 (2), 1113 (2014).

41. Si Doping at GaN Inversion Domain Boundaries: an Interfacial Polar Field for Electrons and Holes Separation. J. Mater Chem. A, 2, 9744(2014).

42. Crystallization Effects of NanocrystallineGaN Films on Field Emission. J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 1518-1523 (2013).

43. 1From powder to nanowire: a simple and environmentally friendly strategy for optical and electrical GaN nanowire films. Crystengcomm 15, 1626-1634 (2013).

44. Wurtzite-type CuInSe2 for high-performance solar cell absorber: ab initio exploration of the new phase structure. J. Mater. Chem. 22, 21662-21666 (2012)

45. Giant magnetoresistance effect in graphene with asymmetrical magnetic superlattices. Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 152404 (2012).

46. Order Structures of AlxGa1-xN Alloys: First-Principles Predictions. J. Phys. Chem. C 116, 1282-1285 (2012).

47. Enhanced Field Emission from GaN and AlN Mixed-Phase Nanostructured Film J. Phys. Chem. C 116 (2), 1780-1783 (2012).

48. Electron field emission enhanced by geometric and quantum effects from nanostructured AlGaN/GaN quantum wells. Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 152110 (2011).

49. Strain-induced negative differential resistance in armchair-edge graphenenanoribbons. Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 082108 (2011).

50. Field Emission Enhancement in Semiconductor Nanofilms by Engineering the Layer Thickness: First-Principles Calculations. J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 11584-11587 (2010).

51. Ultra-Low-Threshold Field Emission from Oriented Nanostructured GaN Films on Si Substrate. Appl. Phys. Lett. 96(9), 092101(2010).

52. Field emission enhancement by the quantum structure in an ultrathin multilayer planar cold cathode. Appl. Phys. Lett. 92(14), 142102 (3) (2008)

53. Spin transport in an asymmetrical magnetic superlattice. Phys. Rev. B 74(2), 024417 (5) (2006).

54. Strain-induced Raman-mode shift in single-wall carbon nanotubes: Calculation of force constants from molecular-dynamics simulations. Phys. Rev. B 77(19), 195440 (5) (2008).

55. Anomalous pressure behavior of tangential modes in single-wall carbon nanotubes. Phys. Rev. B. 76(3), 033402 (4) (2007).

56. Pressure-induced Raman-active radial breathing mode transition in single-wall carbon nanotubes. Phys. Rev. B 2007, 75(4), 045425 (5) (2007).

57. Structural enhancement mechanism of field emission from multilayer semiconductor films. Phys. Rev. B, 72(12), 125310 (6) ( 2005).

58. Multipeak characteristics of field emission energy distribution from semiconductors. Phys. Rev. B, 70(19),195305 (6) (2004)

59. Band Bending Mechanism for Field Emission in Wide Band Gap Semiconductors. Appl. Phys. Lett., 81(15), 2782~2784 (2002).

Publication of monographs or textbooks

1. Wang Ruzhi and Yan Hui: Theory and Experiment of Field Emission Cold Cathodes in Nano Semiconductors, Science Press (2017.1)

2. Wang Ruzhi, Liu Wei, Liu Liying Semiconductor Materials, Tsinghua University Press (December 2019)

Personal Statement

Professor at College of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology. He is Deputy Director of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Director of the Institute of New Energy Materials and Technology, Deputy Director of the Beijing Engineering Research Center for Special MEMS Sensors, Head of Nanomaterials and Technology, and Director of the Materials Physical Chemistry Teaching and Research Office. He has been awarded the titles of Beijing Science and Technology New Star, Beijing Youth Top Talent, and Beijing University of Technology Jinghua Talent Program. Visiting scholars from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States, special researchers at the Japan Institute of Industry and Technology, research assistants at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and visiting researchers at City University of Hong Kong, among other internationally renowned institutions. A series of scientific research achievements with good scientific significance and application value have been achieved in the fields of new energy materials and technology, nano-semiconductor optoelectronic functional materials and devices, and artificial intelligence new materials and device technology. The one doctoral student trained has won the Beijing Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award and the National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Nomination Award. More than 180 SCI indexed papers have been published in internationally renowned academic journals such as EES, AM, JACS, AFM, CM, JMCA, PRB, APL, etc. Among them, more than 100 SCI indexed papers have been published as the first or corresponding author. Published one monograph and edited one textbook. More than 100 national invention patents have been applied for, including 31 national authorized invention patents granted by the first inventor. I have led over 100 research projects, including the Key Basic Research Projects of the Basic Strengthening Program of the Military Science and Technology Commission, 5 National Natural Science Foundation of China, Beijing Science and Technology New Star Program, and Beijing Natural Science Foundation. As a sub project leader or backbone, he have participated in multiple research projects such as national major projects, national key research and development programs, and key funds of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Due to his influence in this research field, he was invited to serve as a review expert for the National High level Talent Program, a conference review expert for important national and Beijing projects such as the National Key R&D Program, and an international academic journal, Open Physics Journal and Appl The editorial board of Sci, the editorial board of Nonferrous Metals Engineering, a member of the Computational Materials Branch of the China Society for Materials Research, and expert reviewers for multiple international authoritative academic journals such as RMP, NC, JACS, AFM, Small, and JMCA. Received awards such as the Capital Frontier Academic Achievement, Beijing Teaching Achievement Special Award, and National Teaching Achievement Second Prize.