Yu Lu

Name: Yu Lu

Gender: Female

Degrees: Ph.D.

Title: Associate professor

E-mail : yulu112266@bjut.edu.cn; yulu112266@163.com

þ Master Supervisor


Room 506B, Materials Building, Beijing University of Technology


yulu112266@bjut.edu.cn; yulu112266@163.com

Basic Information

She began to work at Beijing University of Technology from July 2019, after got Ph.D degree at Zhejiang University. She devotes herself to the research of technologies and evaluation related to environmental remediation and pollution prevention as well as life cycle assesment and other environmental models, including green materials research and selection, solid waste recycling and environmental evaluation, soil-water protection policy and big data analysis. At present, she has presided national projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the sub-project of the National Key Research and Development Program (2 projects), China Association for Science and Technology think tank talent project, Beijing Natural Science Foundation (general programme) and some other projects entrusted by enterprises and institutions. She has published more than twenty papers in international top journals such as Science of The Total Environment, Global Change Biology, Biology and Fertility of Soils, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Journal of Environmental Management, Elementa-Science of the Anthropocene etc. She has made academic reports or served as a judge in important domestic and foreign resource and environmental materials conferences such as Asian low-carbon technology, green remediation materials, biological information, waste management and resource recycling. She has established long-term academic cooperation with internationally renowned universities or institutes in the field of resource-environment-materials interdisciplinary field, including the University of Edinburgh, the University of Sydney, the University of California, etc.

Education Background

2013-2019 Zhejiang University-University of California Santa Barbara Environment and Ecology, Joint Program- Ph.D

2009-2013 Zhejiang University  Resource& Environment- Bachelor

2013 University of Manchester Environment Engineering, Joint Program of Bachelor

Research Program

1.Sub-project of National Key Research and Development Program of China, Principal/Director, 2020-2023

2.Sub-project of National Key Research and Development Program of China, Principal/Director, 2021-2023

3.National Natural Science Foundation of China (Youth Program), Director, 2021-2023

4.China Association for Science and Technology think tank talent project, Director, 2022-2023 (Rank 22/240)

5.Beijing Natural Science Foundation (General Program), Director, 2023-2025

Recent Publications

Yu, L.*, et al., 2022. Review of soil heavy metal pollution in China: Spatial distribution, primary sources, and remediation alternatives. Resources Conservation and Recycling, 181:106261-106261. (consistently highly cited paper)

Yu, L.*, et al., 2023. Environmental impact assessment of multi-source solid waste based on a life cycle assessment, principal component analysis, and random forest algorithm. Journal of Environmental Management, 339: 117942.

Yu, L.*, et al., 2023. Succession of bacterial community structure in response to a one-time application of biochar in barley rhizosphere and bulk soils. Elem Sci Anth, 11: 1.

Yu, L., et al., 2020. Changes in nitrifying communities in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) rhizosphere and bulk soils during a growing season following combined biochar and urea amendment. 2020. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 56: 169-183.

Zhao H., Yu L., et al., 2019. Nitrogen combined with biochar changed the feedback mechanism between soil nitrification and Cd availability in an acidic soil. 2019. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 121631.

Yu, L., et al., 2018. Combined application of biochar and nitrogen fertilizer benefits nitrogen retention in the rhizosphere of soybean by increasing microbial biomass but not altering microbial community structure. 2018. Science of The Total Environment640, 1221-1230.     

Yu, L., et al. 2017. Combined biochar and nitrogen fertilizer reduces soil acidity and promotes nutrient use efficiency by soybean crop. Journal of Soils and Sediments17(3), 599-610.

Yu, L. A microcosmic culture apparatus and its application in quantitative analysis of soil carbon diffusion and microbial utilization process. (patent for invention-authorized)

Yu, L. A microcosmic culture device and its application in quantitative analysis of soil carbon diffusion and microbial utilization processes. (PCT patent for invention-under review)

Yu, L. A preparation method of biochar supported zero-valent iron material for removing Cd2+ from water. (patent for invention-under review)

Yu, L. A preparation method of zero-valent iron loaded with sodium bentonite and its application in treating complex polluted groundwater. (patent for invention-under review)

Yu, L. Haixinsha Park regional environmental monitoring platform (software copyright)

Enrollment Requirements

Candidates with material science and engineering, environmental science and engineering, resources and environmental science, environmental management, machine learning, waste recycling and management, low-carbon environmental remediation technology, carbon and nitrogen cycle and climate change, urban development and carbon neutrality and other related majors are welcome to apply for the exam. Candidates with excellent English scores and software mapping skills are preferred. We hope make collaborative progress to create a new height of scientific research.