Zhao Shu

Name: Zhao Shu

Gender: Female

Degrees: Ph.D.

Title: Associate Researcher

E-mail : zhaoshu@bjut.edu.cn

Research Areas

1. Theoretical study of key materials of Li-ion batteries

2. Computational design of energy storage materials

3. C1 chemistry and Single-atom catalysis


(1) Shu Zhao; Boya Wang; Zihe Zhang; Xu Zhang; Shiman He; Haijun Yu ; First‐principles computational insights into lithium battery cathode materials, Electrochemical Energy Reviews, 2021, 5 : 1-31

(2) Shu Zhao; Fang Chen; Sibin Duan; Bin Shao; Tianbo Li; Hailian Tang; Qingquan Lin; Junying Zhang; Lin Li; Jiahui Huang; Nicolas Bion; Wei Liu; Hui Sun; Ai-Qin Wang; Mastake Haruta; Botao Qiao; Jun Li; Jingyue Liu; Tao Zhang ; Remarkable active-site dependent H2O promoting effect in CO oxidation, Nature Communications, 2019, 10(1): 3824-3832

(3) Shu Zhao; Di He; Tianhao Wu; Lihang Wang; Haijun Yu ; Ultrastable Orthorhombic Na2TiSiO5 Anode for Lithium-Ion Battery, Advanced Energy Materials, 2021, 12: 2102709

(4) Mohcin Akri#; Shu Zhao#; Xiaoyu Li; Ketao Zang; Adam F. Lee; Mark A. Isaacs; Wei Xi; Yuvaraj Gangarajula; Jun Luo; Yujing Ren; Yi-Tao Cui; Lei Li; Yang Su; Xiaoli Pan; Wu Wen; Yang Pan; Karen Wilson; Lin Li; Botao Qiao; Hirofumi Ishii; Yen-Fan Liao; Aiqin Wang; Xiaodong Wang; Tao Zhang ; Atomically dispersed nickel as coke-resistant active sites for methane dry reforming, Nature Communications, 2019, 10(1): 5181-5190

(5) Yuanjun Chen#; Shufang Ji#; Shu Zhao#; Wenxing Chen; Juncai Dong; Weng-Chon Cheong; Ronga n Shen; Xiaodong Wen; Lirong Zheng; Alexandre I. Rykov; Shichang Cai; Haolin Tang; Zhongbin Zhuan g; Chen Chen; Qing Peng; Ding Sheng Wang; Yadong Li ; Enhanced oxygen reduction with single-atomic-site iron catalysts for a zinc-air battery and hydrogenair fuel cell, Nature Communications, 20 18, 9: 5422-5433

Personal Statement

Shu Zhao, Research Associate and master supervisor. She received her Ph.D. (physical chemistry, in 2015) at Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 2015, she began to work in Tsinghua University with professor Jun Li as a post-doctoral fellow. Two years later, she joined the faculty at Beijing University of Technology. Her main research interest is computational investigation and design of advanced materials for energy storage and conversion. She has published more than 30 SCI papers on international major journals and the citation times have exceeded 2600 times.