Current Professional Societies
1. Member of Chinese Optical Society;
2. Committee member of Beijing Municipal Optical Society;
3. Member of Optical Society of America.
Research Areas
1. Holography and Optical information processing;
2. Incoherent holography and fluorescence super-resolution microscopy;
3. Computational 3D imaging.
1. Beijing Municipal Government Award for Science and Technological Advances;
2. ExcellentTeaching Production Award, Beijing University of Technology;
3. Excellent Supervisor for postgraduates, Beijing University of Technology.
1. Chao Liu, Yuhong Wan*, Tianlong Man. Optimized Reconstruction with Noise suppression for Interferenceless Coded Aperture Correlation Holography, Applied Optics, 59(6): 1769-1774(2020).
2. Yi Qin, Yuhong Wan*, Qiong Gong. Learning-based chosen-plaintext attack on diffractive-imaging-based encryption scheme. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 127: 105979-1-105979-5(2020).
3. Tianlong Man, Yuhong Wan*, Wujuan Yan, Xiuhong Wang, Erwin J.G. Peterman, Dayong Wang. Adaptive optics via self-interference digital holography for non-scanning three-dimensional imaging in biological samples. Biomedical Optics Express, 9(6): 2614-2626 (2018).
4. Hongqiang Zhou, Yuhong Wan*, Tianlong Man, Adaptive imaging by incoherent digital holography based on phase change. Acta Phys. Sin., 67(4): 044202-1-044202-10 (2018).
5. Tianlong Man, Yuhong Wan*, Fan Wu, Dayong Wang.Self-interference compressive digital holography with improved axial resolution andsignal-to-noise ratio, Applied Optics, 56(13): F91-F96 (2017).
6. Yuhong Wan*, Fan Wu, Dayong Wang, M.K. Kim. Parallel phase-shifting self-interference digital holography with faithful reconstruction using compressive sensing, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 86: 38-43 (2016).
7. Tianlong Man, Yuhong Wan*, Dayong Wang. Phase shift steps extraction and phase shift error correction in partially coherent illuminated phase shifting digital holography, Applied Optics, 54(7): 1839-1843 (2015).
8. Yuhong Wan*, Fan Wu, Jinghuan Yang, Tianlong Man. Multiple-image encryption based on compressive holography using a multiple-beam interferometer, Optics communication, 342, 95-101 (2015).
9. Tianlong Man, Yuhong Wan*, Fan Wu, Dayong Wang. Four-dimensional tracking of spatially incoherent illuminated samples using self-interference digital holography. Optics Communications, 342: 109-113(2015).
10. Yuhong Wan*, Tianlong Man, Dayong Wang. Incoherent off-axis Fourier triangular color holography, Optics Express, 22(7), 8565-8573(2014).
Personal Statement
Wan Yuhong graduated from Beijing University of Technology in July 2005 and obtained her Doctoral Degree in Optics. Since July 2005, she has been working in College of Applied sciences, Beijing University of Technology, and her research focuses on optical information processing, digital holographic microscopy, adaptive optics and applications in super-resolution microscopy. She has ever worked in Imperial College London for one year. She has awarded Excellent Young Scientists by Beijing Municipal Party Committee and Government twice. Currently, she is the principal of several research projects including National Natural Science fund, Natural Science fund Beijing Municipal Government etc. As a committee member of COS and Optical society of Beijing, she is active and enthusiastic on academic communications and affairs.