Research Areas
1. Design and analysis of computer experiments;
2. Spatial statistics.
1. Cao, R.Y. and Liu, M. Q. (2015). Construction of second-order orthogonal sliced Latin hypercube designs.Journal of Complexity, 31(5), 762-772.
2. Xie, T., Cao, R.*and Du, J. (2018). Variable selection for spatial autoregressive models with a diverging number of parameters.Statistical Papers(1–3), 1-21.
3. Du, J., Xu, D. andCao, R.*(2018). Estimation and variable selection for partially functional linear models.Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 47, 436-449.
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China;
2. Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation.
Personal statement
Ruiyuan Cao received her Ph.D. degree in Statistics from Nankai University in 2015. She joined BJUT and worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow in 2015. She has been a lecturer in Statistics in BJUT since 2017. In 2018, she became a Master student supervisor.