Current Professional Societies
Council Member in Chinese Mathematical Socity & Chinese Industry and Applied Mathematical Society.
Research Areas
Partial Differential Equations.
Winner of Education Ministry's New Century Excellent Talents; Special Allowance experts of the State Council of China.
1. (S. Wang(王术), L.M.Jiang, C.D. Liu)Quasi-neutral limit and the boundary layer problem of Planck-Nernst-Poisson-Navier-Stokes equations for electro-hydrodynamics.J. Differential Equations., 267(2019), no. 6, 3475–3523.
2. (Thomas Y. Hou,Z. Lei, G. Luo, S. Wang(王术), C. Zhou) On finite time singularity and global regularity of an axisymmetric model for the 3D Euler equations, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 212(2014): 683-706. SCI
3. T. Y. Hou, Z. Q. Shi, S. Wang(王术))On singularity formation of a 3D model for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Advances in Math., 230(2012), 607-641. SCI
4. (T. Y. Hou, C. M. Li, Z. Q. Shi, S. Wang(王术), X. W. Yu)On singularity formation of a nonlinear nonlocal system.Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 199(2011),117-144. SCI
5. (S. Wang(王术), K. Wang)The mixed layer problem and quasi-neutral limit of the drift-diffusion model for semiconductors, SIAM J Math. Anal., 44(2)(2012), 699-717. SCI
6. (S. Wang(王术), Y. H. Feng, X. Li)The asymptotic behavior of globally smooth solutions of bipolar non-isentropic compressible Euler-Maxwell system for plasma, SIAM J Math. Anal., 44(5) (2012), 3429–3457. SCI
7. (Y. Ueda, S. Wang(王术), S. Kawashima)Dissipative structure of the regularity-loss type and time asymptotic decay of solutions for the Euler--Maxwell system, SIAM J Math. Anal., 44(3)(2012), 2002-2017. SCI
8. (Y. J. Peng, S. Wang(王术), Q. L. Gu)Relaxation limit and global existence of smooth solutions of compressible Euler-Maxwell equations, SIAM J Math. Anal., 43(2)(2011), 944-970. SCI
9. (Y. J. Peng, S. Wang(王术))Rigorous derivation of incompressible e-MHD equations from compressible Euler-Maxwell equations,SIAM J Math. Anal., 40(2)(2008), 540-565. SCI
10. (S. Wang(王术), Z. P. Xin, P. A. Markowich)Quasineutral limit of drift-diffusion models for semiconductors: general doping profile case, SIAM J Math. Anal., 37(6)(2006), 1854-1889. SCI
11. (Y. J. Peng, S. Wang(王术))The convergence of Euler-Maxwell system to the incompressible Euler equation, Commun. in Partial Differential Equation, 33(2008), 349-376. SCI
12. (S. Wang(王术), S. Jiang)The convergence of Navier-Stokes-Poisson system to the incompressible Euler equation, Commun. in Partial Differential Equation, 31(2006), 1-21. SCI
13. (S. Wang(王术) Quasineutral limit of Euler-Poisson system with and without viscosity, Commun. in Partial Differential Equations, 29(3&4)(2004), 419-456. SCI
14. (A. Jüngel, S. Wang(王术))Convergence of nonlinear Schrödinger-Poisson systems to the compressible Euler equations, Commun. in Partial Differential Equations, 28(2003), 1005-1022. SCI
15. (Q.H.Shi, W.T.Li, S. Wang(王术))Kato-type estimates for NLS equation in a scalar field and unique solvability of NKGS system in energy space.J. Differential Equations, 256(2014), no.10, 3440–3462. SCI
16. (Q. H. Shi, S. Wang(王术), Y. Li)Existence and uniqueness of energy solution to Klein–Gordon –Schrodinger equations,Journal of Differential Equations, 252(2012), 168–180. SCI
17. (K. Wang, S. Wang(王术))Quasi-neutral limit to the drift-diffusion models for semiconductors with physical contact-insulating boundary conditions. Journal of Differential Equations, 249(2010), 3291-3311. SCI
18. (L. Hsiao, S. Wang(王术))Quasineutral limit of a time-dependent drift-diffusion-Poisson models for PN junction semiconductor devices,Journal of Differential Equations, 225(2006), 411-439. SCI
19. (L. Hsiao, P. A. Markowich, S. Wang(王术))Asymptotic behavior of globally smooth solutions to the multidimensional isentropic hydrodynamic model for semiconductors, Journal of Differential Equations, 192(2003), 111-133. SCI
20. (S. Wang(王术))Doubly nonlinear degenerate parabolic systems with coupled nonlinear boundary conditions,Journal of Differential Equations, 182(2002), 431-469. SCI
21. (S. Wang(王术), M. X. Wang, C. H. Xie)Quasi-linear parabolic systems with nonlinear boundary conditions,Journal of Differential Equations, 166(2000), 251-265. SCI
Personal Statement
Shu Wang is a Ph.D Supervisor at College of Applied Sciences in Beijing University of Technology.