Wu Mixia

Name: Wu Mixia

Gender: Female

Degrees: Ph.D.

Title: Professor

E-mail : wumixia@bjut.edu.cn

Current Professional Societies

1. Member of High-dimensional Data Statistics Branch of Chinese Association for Applied Statistics;

2. Member of Beijing Big Data Association;

3. Member of Beijing Biomedical statistics and data management; Association;

4. Member of National Education Association of Industrial Statistics

Research Areas

1. Mixed-effects models and multivariate statistical analysis;

2. Longitudinal data analysis;

3. Statistical methods for diagnostic biomarkers;

4. High-dimensional data analysis


1. 2013. Jinghua Talents in Beijing University of Technology;

2. 2009 Beijing Municipal Excellent Talents, China;

3. 2004. Zhong Jia-Qing Prize awarded by Chinese Mathematics Society;

4. 2004. Excellent Ph.D Thesis of Beijing University of Technology.

Selected Publications

1. Mixia Wu, Xiaoyu Zhang, Wei Zhang, Xu Zhang, Aiyi Liu. Error -corrected estimation of a diagnostic accuracy index of a biomarker against a continuous reference gold standard. Statistics in Medicine, 2020.03.12 ( accepted)

2. Mixia Wu, Yu Shu, Zhaohai Li, Aiyi Liu. Repeated significance tests of linear combinations of sensitivity and specificity of a diagnostic biomarker, Statistics in Medicine, 2016, 35, 3397–3412.

3. Mixia Wu, Diancheng Zhang, Aiyi Liu. Estimation of diagnostic accuracy of a biomarker compared to a continuous gold standard measured the error. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 2016, 26(6), 1111–1117.

4. Guowang Luo, Mixia Wu*. Variable selection for semiparametric varying-coefficient spatial autoregressive models with a diverging number of parameters, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Method, 2019 (online).

5. Guowang Luo, Mixia Wu*, Zhen Pang. Estimation of semiparametric varying-coefficient spatial autoregressive models with missing in the dependent variable, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 2020 (online).

6. Mixia Wu, Ye Tian, Aiyi Liu. The robust inference in linear mixed model with skew normal-symmetric error. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2017, 12(6), 1483-1500.

7. Mixia Wu, Jing Zhao, Tonghui Wang, Yan Zhao. The ANOVA-type inference in linear mixed model with skew-normal error. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2017, 30, 710-720.

8. Mixia Wu, Bing Sun. Comparison between analysis of variance and spectral decomposition under balanced data. Scientia Sinica Mathematica, 2013, 43(8), 751-764.

9. Mixia Wu, Kaifun Yu, Aiyi liu, Exact inference on contrasts in means of the intraclass correlation model with missing data, Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 2009, 100 (2), 301-308.

10. Mixia Wu, Kaifun Yu, Remarks on between estimators in the intraclass correlation model with missing data, Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 2008, 99(10), 2444-2452.

Personal Statement

Mixia Wu, professor and doctoral supervisor. She has been engaged in teaching for 15 years. She has presided over two projects supported by National Natural Science Foundations of China and another two projects supported by Beijing and National Natural Science Foundations. She has published more than forty papers on international major journals and four academic books. The citation times have exceeded 700.