Prof. Peng Yongzhen, Member of CAE, has been focusing on the country's major needs of biological nitrogen removal for urban wastewater for 30 years, leading his team to achieve a series of significant results. He boasts 283 state-authorized invention patents as the primary inventor, 107 of which have been commercialized. He has gained four second prizes in the National Science and Technology Award and the State Technological Invention Award, and eight first prizes at the level of provincial science and technology awards.

BJUT's research on biological nitrogen removal technology for wastewater has become in international academic circles, and the University has established itself as one of the leading institutions in this area. Since 2009, the number of published papers and citations in this field, with Prof. Peng as the first or corresponding author, has ranked first both in China and globally. With the goal of achieving new engineering applications, Prof. Peng Yongzhen was the first to propose, in China and globally, the ideas and new technology associated with "partial ANAMMOX of mainstream urban wastewater", and he has also been the first to achieve successful short-range denitrification coupled ANAMMOX. He has also published the first ten papers in SCI-indexed journals in this domain. According to the Research Fronts 2020, co-published by Clarivate Analytics and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, ANAMMOX and its application in wastewater treatment is the most important current topic in the field of environmental science. China has currently taken a lead in publications in this area. Beijing University of Technology and Technische Universiteit Delft (the Netherlands) are the top two leading universities in this field globally.

The National Engineering Laboratory for Advanced Municipal Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Technology