Pei Fujun

Name: Pei Fujun

Gender: Male

Degrees: octoral degree

Title: Associate professor

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Research Areas:Autonomous Navigation, Intelligent Robot


[1]Fu-jun Pei*, Li Zhu, Xuan Liu,Jian Zhao. Initial Self-Alignment for Marine Rotary SINS Using Novel Adaptive Kalman Filter.Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015,10.1155/2015/320536 (SCI: CU0FH)

[2]Fu-jun Pei*, Mei Wu, Simin Zhang,Distributed SLAM Using Improved Particle Filter for Mobile Robot Localization,The Scientific World Journal,2014,86, Paper DOI: 10.1155/2014/239531 (SCI: AG8QJ)

[3]Fu-jun Pei*, Xuan Liu, Li Zhu,In–Flight Alignment UsingH∞ Filter for Strapdown INS on Aircraft,The Scientific World Journal,Volume 2014 , Paper DOI: 10.1155/2014/820305, 2014(SCI: 299QR )

[4]Fu-jun Pei*,Hao-yang Li, Yu-hang Cheng. An Improved FastSLAM System Based on Distributed Structure for Autonomous Robot Navigation.Journal of Sensors, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/456289 (SCI:AU1GM)

[5]Fu-jun Pei*, Mei Wu, Simin Zhang,Advanced distributed unscented particle filter for simultaneous localization and mapping ,WIT transactions on engineering sciences, Volume 86 , Paper DOI: 10.2495/ICFCIT131101, 2014(EI:20141217483410)

[6]Fujun Pei*, Xuan Liu, Li Zhu, Strapdown INS Initial Alignment in Inertial Frame Using H∞ Filter,Journal of Computational Information Systems, Vol.10, No.8, 2014,3255–3264 (EI:20142417813392)

Personal Statement:

He is an associate professor of the Faculty of Information Technology at the Beijing University of Technology. He received his B.E. in Automation Engineering and M.E. in Control Science Engineering from Yanshan University in 2000 and 2002. He received his Ph.D. degree in Navigation Guidance and Control from the Southeast University in 2005.He is a member of the Deep Space Exploration Technology Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Astronautically, and a member of the Beijing Association of Automation.His research interests include autonomous navigation, robotic intelligence and service robotics applications. Hehave completedmore than ten projects for some government departments and enterprises.