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Class of 2021 Commencement

Ambition, Innovation, and Virtue

—— Remarks at the Class of 2021 Undergraduate Commencement of BJUT

Dear graduates of the Class of 2021, alumni of the Class of 2020,

Distinguished guests, faculty and staff members, parents, and friends,

Good morning!

As every Chinese people celebrates the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, it is of great significance for us to gather here to witness the tassel turning for 4,661 undergraduates of the Classes of 2021 and 2020. Please allow me, on behalf of over 30,000 faculty, staff, and students at Beijing University of Technology, to extend the warmest congratulations to you for graduation, and the sincerest gratitude and highest respect to your caring parents, conscientious teachers, and friends that care for and support every step in your journey here.

How time flies! This time last year, graduates of the Class of 2020, regretfully hindered by the COVID-19 pandemic, weren’t able to gather for the commencement. Today, 1,312 of them managed to be here for the unfinished ceremony and reunion with the University. On behalf of everyone at BJUT, I welcome you home!

The past four years witnessed BJUT’s embarking on a new journey as the University was designated as one of China’s universities in the First-Class Discipline Construction Plan. Ranking 32nd in the QS Mainland China University Rankings 2020, BJUT has become more competitive and reputable.

The past four years were filled with special and unforgettable moments for everyone at BJUT. In 2019, the delegation made up of 3,561 faculty, staff and students successfully completed the parade, float design and manufacturing for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC. In 2020, we celebrated the 60th anniversary of the founding of BJUT under the theme of “60 Years of Youth, 60 Years of Brilliance”. You’ve performed to the best of your ability and won many medals in competitions like the “Internet Plus” and the “Challenge Cup”. On campus, the newly completed Yifu Library became a popular site for learning and communication. Over the past four years, you, together with BJUT, made a perfect completion of the 13th Five-year Plan.

Today, with the new mission of the new era, you are to set off for a new journey of life. Standing on this podium of your “last class in university”, I, as a member of BJUT and your teacher and friend, would like to share some of my hopes for you.

First, undertake the mission of the new era with ambition.

At the ceremony marking the centenary of the CPC, General Secretary Xi Jinping called on the young people to “make it their mission to contribute to national rejuvenation and aspire to become more proud, confident, and assured in their identity as Chinese people so that they can live up to the promise of their youth and the expectations of our times, our Party, and our people.” At the historical intersection of the two centenary goals, the world is experiencing profound changes unseen in a century. You are born at the right time, a time with golden opportunities for achievements. You have an important mission on your shoulder, the mission of the new era. I hope you will assume the responsibility as the old saying goes, “Everyone is responsible for his or her country’s rise or fall.” I hope you will keep abreast of the times and the country and establish your aspiration for the noble cause of the development of China and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Go to wherever that needs you most to achieve the development of the society, happiness of the people, prosperity of the country, and rejuvenation of the nation! Be Chinese youth of the new era that are ambitious, dignified, competent, and responsible! Live the day to the fullest and fulfill your mission with passion, devotion and dedication!

Second, pursue excellence and innovation with the spirit of craftsman.

Innovation is the soul of a nation’s progress, an inexhaustible driving force for the prosperity of a country, and the most profound gift of the Chinese nation. Global ecological and environmental issues are getting more severe, and competitions for resources and energy are fiercer. The new wave of technology revolution and industrial transformation is gaining pace. Technological innovation is accelerated and moving towards a higher end. China has accomplished a historic leap with a number of innovation achievements: the launch and docking of the Shenzhou XII spacecraft, the landing of Tianwen on Mars, the response to the unexpected outbreak of COVID-19 and the release of vaccines, the completion of the Beidou network and the commercialization of 5G. Innovation has transformed our way of producing and living.

BJUT has strived to serve for major needs of the country and the capital. BJUT’s scientific research achievements have been applied in the welding and manufacturing of the main structure of Tiangong-1, the Beidou Project satellite laser ranging, Beijing Daxing Airport, the National Stadium, Beijing Subway, the New Shougang Bridge, and many other major projects. Our industrial robot RV reducer technology has overcome a long-lasting technical problem in the industry. To build a community with a shared future for mankind, for the goal of carbon peak and neutrality, the University is conducting research on energy and climate policy, control of greenhouse gases and environmental pollutants, green building technology, low-carbon and environmentally friendly materials, and the life-cycle of materials. The University’s drive of innovation counts on your intelligence and diligence and conveys our ardent hope for well-rounded education. I hope you can be pioneers, doers, and pursuers of excellence. I hope you will serve the society, contribute to the country, and reshape the world with science and technology knowledge, and the spirit of innovation as skillful experts.

Third, serve the country and people with benevolence and virtue.

As an old saying goes, “Virtue harnesses talent.” Beyond the development of oneself, seeking for greater purposes in serving the country, the people, and the society is meaningful. In the unprecedented battle against COVID-19 last year, the whole country stood together. Many in their 20s and 30s volunteered to serve at the front line. They are the future of China. Facing the challenges, the University carried out the most extensive online teaching in the history of BJUT and contributed wisdom to the battle. As we know, the metal tungsten is the most difficult material to melt and volatilize. I hope you can be as tungsten, remaining true to your original aspiration, improving yourself in your future growth, and pursuing higher goals and tastes of life with virtue.

Whereof what’s past is prologue. We gathered with joy and we part without regret. The new mission of the times is on your shoulder and the magical power to change the world is in your grasp. Stay energetic, stay passionate. I hope you will uphold our motto of “Persistent Striving the Principle, Pursuit of Innovation the Path”. I hope you can apply what you have learnt and thought in your practice to contribute to the country and the people, with the spirit of craftsman, generosity, and virtue. A journey of one thousand miles begins with the first step. Today, you are at the historical crossroads of the two centenary goals. Tomorrow, you will unfold the future development of the country. You are like seeds with enormous potential. In the land of China, you will make achievements and pave ways. You will be the youth of the new era to rejuvenate the nation, blooming in striving for China, the Chinese nation, the people, and mankind!

To conclude, I hope you will follow closely and support the development of BJUT after graduation. Come “home” from time to time. I wish you all prosperity and success in the future!

President of BJUT

Nie Zuoren

Those Aspire and Strive Will Someday Fly High

—— Remarks at the Class of 2021 Graduate Commencement of BJUT

Dear graduates of the Class of 2021, alumni of the Class of 2020,

Distinguished guests, faculty and staff members, parents, and friends,

Good afternoon!

As all Chinese people celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, it is of great significance for us to gather here to witness the tassel turning for 3,007 graduate students of the Classes of 2021 and 2020. Please allow me, on behalf of Beijing University of Technology and the faculty and staff, to extend the warmest congratulations to you for graduation, high respect and heartfelt gratitude to your caring parents, conscientious teachers, and friends that care for and support every step in your journey here, and sincere welcome to this ceremony.

Though amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the commencement is held. Against the heat, the chase of dreams starts. In today’s ceremony, we also have 611 graduate students of the Class of 2020. Last year, we weren’t able to gather due to the pandemic. Today, you return from afar to join us for the reunion. On behalf of everyone at BJUT, I welcome you home!

How time slips away! Since your enrolment into BJUT, we have gone through many important and unforgettable moments together. In 2019, the delegation made up of 3,561 faculty, staff and students successfully completed the parade, float design and manufacturing for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC. In the battle of pandemic prevention and control, hundreds of graduate students stayed on the campus for scientific research, working day and night on experiments, data, and papers. In the longest online teaching in the history of BJUT, we met on the “cloud” across distance. In 2020, we celebrated the 60th anniversary of the founding of BJUT. 2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC. It is exciting and proud to graduate at this meaningful moment.

Scenes of the past are still vivid in our mind. Since your enrolment, you have worked with the University and witnessed its rapid progress. In 2020, BJUT ranked 32nd in the QS Mainland China University Rankings, 13th in the Ranking of Patent Transfer of Chinese Universities, and among the Top 500 of ARWU World Universities for the first time. We also won the first Gold Award in the China College Students’ “Internet+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. It is your vitality and the striving of over 160,000 BJUT students that make the glory of the University. Each of your step forward does credit to BJUT, and each achievement of BJUT supports your further development.

The days at BJUT are one of the most valuable periods in your life. Today, you are setting off for a new journey of life. At the time of parting, as a teacher and friend, I have a few words to share with you.

First, firmly keep the faith and take up the responsibility for the country.

2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. At the ceremony marking the centenary of the CPC, General Secretary Xi Jinping called on the young people to “make it their mission to contribute to national rejuvenation and aspire to become more proud, confident, and assured in their identity as Chinese people so that they can live up to the promise of their youth and the expectations of our times, our Party, and our people.” After graduation, some of you will contribute to economic development; some of you will continue to work for research breakthroughs; some of you will assist rural development, volunteer in remote areas, or join the army to defend the country. You devote yourselves to wherever needs you the most throughout the country, and I am proud you all! You are born at the right time, a time with golden opportunities for achievements. You have an important mission on your shoulder, the mission of the new era. In the face of profound changes unseen in a century, you should integrate your dreams into the grand development of China, keep abreast with the times, the nation, and the people.

Second, take the forefront, make breakthroughs, and lead innovation.

The development of a country relies on talents. As General Secretary Xi Jinping noted, we are now marching in confident strides toward the second centenary goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects. In the new journey, the country demand outstanding talents with sci. & tech. expertise more urgently than ever.

Science, technology, and innovation have become the most important area for development and competition of countries around the world. The young people are the most energetic and creative group in society, which should be at the forefront of innovation. At the historical intersection of the two centenary goals, as young talents, you should dedicate yourselves to science, technology, and innovation with courage. I hope you can play an active role in key industries and areas and put what you have learnt in application. I hope you will be pioneers, innovators, and doers, take the mission to reinvigorate China through science and technology, challenge stranglehold technical problems, and make breakthroughs in key and core technology. I hope you will be top experts in your field, lead the innovation, and bolster China’s technological advancement and economic growth.

Third, hold on to dreams and strive with action.

As an old saying goes, “Read widely and absorb the best from the books you read; learn in depth and unleash it gradually.” We are at a great time, which sees rapid technological development and endless new concepts and new technologies. It is also a time of drastic changes in all aspects, of opportunities and challenges. How can we seize opportunities and respond to challenges? After graduation, in chasing your dreams, it is inevitable to encounter troubles: choice in career development, pressure from workplace competition, anxiety for success, and balance between family and work. How can you deal with them? These are the issues you should work on your own after graduation. Only by integrating knowledge and action, with the spirit of hard working in life-long learning, reflection, and practice, can knowledge and skills be a driving force for you.

I hope you will extend your learning in the society after graduation, uphold our motto of “Persistent Striving the Principle, Pursuit of Innovation the Path,” and improve your competitiveness firmly and indomitably in learning and practice. I also hope you can stay faithful, passionate, and aspiring. Work for you dream and dedicate your youth to the great cause. “Those aspire and strive will someday fly high.”

Today you graduate with ardent expectation of the University and blessing from your family and friends. Remember to say thank you to your parents, who endure all kinds of hardships, and your hard-working teachers; give a hug to your classmates; and make a wish for yourself. I hope you will follow closely and support the development of BJUT after graduation, and revisit the campus some time. We are so proud of you!

To conclude, I wish all of you success, happiness, and safety!

President of BJUT

Nie Zuoren