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60th Anniversary –Themed Website “BJUT: 60 Years of Youth, 60 Years of Brilliance” is live

During the 100-day countdown to the 60th anniversary of BJUT, the themed website “BJUT: 60 Years of Youth, 60 Years of Brilliance” was live on July 10 at 10:18 am as one of an online communication platform for BJUTers to celebrate the grand events. The website has a visually striking red home page to attract attention. There are sections of New Looks, Social Connections, 60th Anniversary, Glorious History, Cultural Carnival, Talent Gatherings, Good Wishes to BJUT, and Endowment from Alumni to express BJUTers around the world and the community’s true affection to BJUT.

Sixty years of history carries with brilliance. BJUT sincerely invites BJUTers at home and abroad to join the 60thanniversary in October to celebrate the grand journey of BJUT and create a better future for BJUT. Regardless of the distance, BJUT is waiting for you to return home! The website “BJUT: 60 Years of Youth, 60 Years of Brilliance” is eagerly accessible to you now (

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